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K스터디 (472건)
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인문ㆍ사회 국어교육학과 고려대-SK 첨단분야 석사과정 장학프로그램 (2025학년도 전기) KU-SK Global Scholarship Program for Spring 2025
장학금 (152건)
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2025 Global Korea Scholarship for Undergraduate Degrees / 2025년 정부초청 외국인 학부 장학생 모집 요강
In 2025, Korean Government's Global Korea Scholarship program aims to invite international students who wish to purse undergraduate degrees in Korea. [Embassy Track] Korean government invites 87* international students. * - General: 71 scholars - Overseas Koreans: 7 scholars - IRTS: 9 scholars ※ IRTS: International Reconstruction Talent Scholarship (Ukrainian only) In accordance with the Korea-Ukraine MOU, the Ukrainian government will conduct the first round of selection for IRTS. [University Track] Korean government invites 280* international students. * - R-GKS: 80 scholars - Associate Degree: 100 scholars - UIC Program: 100 scholars ※ UIC: University Industry Cooperation [Embassy Track & University Track] Applicants must apply either to a Korean Embassy where they hold citizenship (embassy track) or directly to one of the designated universities (university track). Please contact the first round of selection organizations(embassy or university) to get detailed information regarding the application submission such as application deadline, required documents, interview and etc. Application submission deadline may differ by each embassy or university that conducts the first round of selection. Please refer to the attached file for the application guidelines and university information, and more. * The 2025 GKS-U FAQ will be added soon. Best regards, GKS center 안녕하십니까, 2025년 정부초청 외국인 학부 장학생 모집 요강 및 관련 자료들을 공지하오니, 지원에 참고해 주시기 바랍니다. 지원서 접수 마감기한, 추가 제출 서류, 면접 절차 등과 관련한 지원 관련 질문은 1차 심사를 담당하는 각 대사관 혹은 대학으로 문의해 주시기 바랍니다. 각 대사관 혹은 대학에 따라 지원 서류 구비 조건, 지원 접수 마감 시기 및 일정은 다를 수 있음을 유의해 주시기 바랍니다. 모집 요강, 지원 가능한 대학 및 학과 목록은 첨부된 파일을 참고해 주시기 바랍니다. * 2025 GKS-U FAQ는 곧 공지될 예정입니다. 감사합니다. 국제장학센터
K라이프 (34건)
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[경상국립대학교]2022년 개발도상국 차세대리더 육성사업(FGLP)Ⅱ-일반전형 장학생 모집 Application Guide to Future Global Leaders Project (FGLP)Ⅱ-General Admission Scholarship 2022
2022년 개발도상국 차세대리더 육성사업(FGLP)Ⅱ-일반전형 장학생 모집요강 Application Guide to Future Global Leaders Project (FGLP)Ⅱ-General Admission Scholarship 2022 1. FGLP 장학금 안내 가. 장학기간 : 2년(4학기) ※ 장학생은 원칙적으로 입학 후 2년간 휴학할 수 없으며, 부득이한 사정으로 휴학하는 경우 휴학기간은 장학기간에 포함하지 않음 ※ 장학기간 종료 후에 발생하는 모든 비용은 학생 본인이 부담하여야 함 나. 연간 장학금액 : 약 18,000,000 (미화 약 15,000달러) 다. 장학금 지급시기 장학금 유형 장학금액 지급시기 등록금 장학금(전일제장학금)*(A) 등록금 전액 매 학기말 생활비(교수 연구비) (B) 학부(과)별 상이 매월 생활비(발전기금) (C) 매월 300,000원 매월 합 계 (D=A+B+C) 연간 약 18,000,000원 * BK21 학부(과) 소속 학생의 등록금은 생활비(교수 연구비)에 포함되어 있음 ※ 장학금 지급시기는 대학의 사정에 따라 사전 안내 없이 변경될 수 있음 1 Information on FGLP Scholarship A. Scholarship Period : 2 years (4 semesters) ※ In principle, scholarship students shall not take a leave of absence for two years after admission. However, where taking a leave of absence due to unavoidable circumstances, the period of absence shall not be included in the scholarship period. ※ All expenses incurred after the end of the scholarship period shall be borne by the student himself/herself. B. Annual Scholarship : About 18,000,000KRW (About 15,000US$) ※ 자세한 내용은 첨부파일을 참고해주시기 바랍니다. <문의> ✤ 전 화 : +82-55-772-0285 ✤ 주 소 : 52828 경상남도 진주시 진주대로 501 경상대학교 대외협력과(1동 220호) ✤ E-mail : hdkim@gnu.ac.kr ✤ 홈페이지 : https://newgh.gnu.ac.kr/international/main.do
K취업 (7건)
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2024 Global Korea Scholarship(GKS/KGSP)-Graduate Degrees Application Guideline
https://global.donga.ac.kr/global/CMS/Board/Board.do?mCode=MN066&searchCategory=c003&mode=view&mgr_seq=717&board_seq=8357671 Please refer to above link.
유학박람회 (219건)
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STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Vietnam (STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Vietnam)
University with low tuition fee and wide range of scholarship. Leading University in Convergence Education that creates Future Values. Rapid changes in the educational environment call for a change in the role of universities. The society's expectations for higher education are changing as well. The core of the 4th industrial revolution is creativity and convergence, and at the center of the communication to connect different things is the human being. Honoring the basic principles for education with humility, the Kunsan National University is cultivating young talents who will be the leaders in the future with their creativity and multidisciplinary skills. The KSNU understands the value of change and communication.
K스터디 (472건)
인문ㆍ사회 국어교육학과 고려대-SK 첨단분야 석사과정 장학프로그램 (2025학년도 전기) KU-SK Global Scholarship Program for Spring 2025
공학 메카트로닉스협동과정 고려대-SK 첨단분야 석사과정 장학프로그램 (2025학년도 전기) KU-SK Global Scholarship Program for Spring 2025
자연과학 물리학과 고려대-SK 첨단분야 석사과정 장학프로그램 (2025학년도 전기) KU-SK Global Scholarship Program for Spring 2025
인문ㆍ사회 미디어학과 고려대-SK 첨단분야 석사과정 장학프로그램 (2025학년도 전기) KU-SK Global Scholarship Program for Spring 2025
공학 미세소자공학협동과정 고려대-SK 첨단분야 석사과정 장학프로그램 (2025학년도 전기) KU-SK Global Scholarship Program for Spring 2025
공학 마이크로/나노시스템협동과정 고려대-SK 첨단분야 석사과정 장학프로그램 (2025학년도 전기) KU-SK Global Scholarship Program for Spring 2025
인문ㆍ사회 정책학과 고려대-SK 첨단분야 석사과정 장학프로그램 (2025학년도 전기) KU-SK Global Scholarship Program for Spring 2025
자연과학 가속기과학과 고려대-SK 첨단분야 석사과정 장학프로그램 (2025학년도 전기) KU-SK Global Scholarship Program for Spring 2025
인문ㆍ사회 경제통계학과 고려대-SK 첨단분야 석사과정 장학프로그램 (2025학년도 전기) KU-SK Global Scholarship Program for Spring 2025
인문ㆍ사회 고고미술사학과 고려대-SK 첨단분야 석사과정 장학프로그램 (2025학년도 전기) KU-SK Global Scholarship Program for Spring 2025
장학금 (152건)
2025 Global Korea Scholarship for Undergraduate Degrees / 2025년 정부초청 외국인 학부 장학생 모집 요강
In 2025, Korean Government's Global Korea Scholarship program aims to invite international students who wish to purse undergraduate degrees in Korea. [Embassy Track] Korean government invites 87* international students. * - General: 71 scholars - Overseas Koreans: 7 scholars - IRTS: 9 scholars ※ IRTS: International Reconstruction Talent Scholarship (Ukrainian only) In accordance with the Korea-Ukraine MOU, the Ukrainian government will conduct the first round of selection for IRTS. [University Track] Korean government invites 280* international students. * - R-GKS: 80 scholars - Associate Degree: 100 scholars - UIC Program: 100 scholars ※ UIC: University Industry Cooperation [Embassy Track & University Track] Applicants must apply either to a Korean Embassy where they hold citizenship (embassy track) or directly to one of the designated universities (university track). Please contact the first round of selection organizations(embassy or university) to get detailed information regarding the application submission such as application deadline, required documents, interview and etc. Application submission deadline may differ by each embassy or university that conducts the first round of selection. Please refer to the attached file for the application guidelines and university information, and more. * The 2025 GKS-U FAQ will be added soon. Best regards, GKS center 안녕하십니까, 2025년 정부초청 외국인 학부 장학생 모집 요강 및 관련 자료들을 공지하오니, 지원에 참고해 주시기 바랍니다. 지원서 접수 마감기한, 추가 제출 서류, 면접 절차 등과 관련한 지원 관련 질문은 1차 심사를 담당하는 각 대사관 혹은 대학으로 문의해 주시기 바랍니다. 각 대사관 혹은 대학에 따라 지원 서류 구비 조건, 지원 접수 마감 시기 및 일정은 다를 수 있음을 유의해 주시기 바랍니다. 모집 요강, 지원 가능한 대학 및 학과 목록은 첨부된 파일을 참고해 주시기 바랍니다. * 2025 GKS-U FAQ는 곧 공지될 예정입니다. 감사합니다. 국제장학센터 20240910181612
2024 GKS-IRTS Final Result Announcement
Dear 2024 GKS-IRTS Candidates, NIIED is excited to announce the result of the selection for the 2024 GKS IRTS for Korean Language Program. Please refer to the attached file named "2024 GKS-IRTS Final Successful Candidates". If your name is listed in the file, we ask ALL FINAL SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES to read the attached file named "Important Notice for 2024 GKS-IRTS Scholars" and follow the instructions accordingly in preparations for your arrival to Korea. Huge congratulations and we look forward to seeing you in Korea soon! Sincerely, Global Korea Scholarship Center, NIIED 20240704141908
2024 GKS-G Final Result Announcement
Dear 2024 GKS-G Candidates, NIIED is excited to announce the result of the selection for the 2024 Global Korea Scholarship for Graduate Degrees. Please refer to the attached file named "2024 GKS-G Final Round Successful Candidates". If your name is listed in the file, we ask ALL FINAL SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES to read the attached file named "Important Notice for 2024 GKS-G Scholars" and follow the instructions accordingly in preparations for your arrival to Korea. Huge congratulations and we look forward to seeing you in Korea soon! Sincerely, Global Korea Scholarship Center, NIIED 20240628173002
[University Track-2nd Round Result] 2024 GKS Graduate Degree Program
Dear 2024 GKS Graduate Degree Program University Track Applicants, Thank you for submitting your applications to our GKS (Korean Government Scholarship) Program. We greatly appreciate the efforts and care that went into your applications. We are announcing the results of the 2nd round selection of the university track. Please open the attached file to view the result. All the successful candidates MUST read the "2024 GKS-G Important Notice for Successful Candidates of the 2nd Round Selection" and take actions accordingly. Sincerely, Global Korea Scholarship Center, NIIED 20240619173002
(Extended deadline) 2024 GKS-IRTS(International Reconstruction Talent Scholarship) for Korean Language Training Program (Ukraine)
The submission deadline for GKS-IRTS has been extended. Please check the details on the website of the Korean Education Center in Ukraine. Оголошення :: Корейський освітній центр Україна (uakoreaedu.org) 20240528161554
[Embassy Track-2nd Round Result] 2024 GKS Graduate Degree Program
Dear 2024 GKS Graduate Degree Program Embassy Track Applicants, Thank you for submitting your applications to our GKS (Korean Government Scholarship) Program. We greatly appreciate the efforts and care that went into your applications. We are announcing the results of the 2nd round selection of the embassy track. Please open the attached file to view the result. All the successful candidates MUST read the "2024 GKS-G Important Notice for Successful Candidates of the 2nd Round Selection" and take actions accordingly. Sincerely, Global Korea Scholarship Center, NIIED 20240502172729
2024 GKS IRTS(International Reconstruction Talent Scholarship) for Korean Training Program (Ukraine)
Korean Government is launching a new GKS Program, "GKS IRTS(International Reconstruction Talent Scholarship)" to cultivate talents and support reconstruction of post-war Ukraine. - Number of Selecting Scholars: 100 - Program: Korean Language Training Program (1 year) - Selection Method: Nominated by Ukrainian Government To apply for the GKS IRTS, please refer to the Korean Education Center in Ukraine website (http://uakoreaedu.org/kr/notification/2024_GKS_IRTS_Korean_language_training_program) for more details. For questions regarding the program, please contact below. - Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine : olha.kotova@mon.gov.ua - Korean Education Center in Ukraine : koreduinua@gmail.com / ☎ + 380 44 300 10 78 Best regards, GKS center 20240430183135
2024 Korea-Japan Future Talent Invitational Program for Undergraduate·Associate Degrees
2024 한일 미래인재 초청사업 학부(학사·전문학사) 장학생 선발 안내 국립국제교육원에서 2024년 한일 미래인재 초청사업 학부(학사·전문 학사)학위과정 일본인 장학생을 모집하오니, 관심있는 분들의 많은 지원 바랍니다. □ 선발인원 : 20명 □ 장학기간 : 한국어 연수 1년 및 학위과정(학사 4~6년, 전문학사 2~3년) 장학생으로 선발되기 위해서는 먼저 각 수학대학이 주관하는 1차 심사에 합격하셔야 합니다. 수학대학에 따라 지원가능 여부, 지원서류 구비조건, 지원접수 마감일 등의 일정은 다를 수 있기에, 수학대학(모집요강 붙임2)에 세부 문의 후 지원하여 주시기 바랍니다. 모집요강, 수학대학 연락처 등은 첨부된 파일을 참고하여 주시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다. 국립국제교육원 국제장학센터 2024 Korea-Japan Future Talent Invitational Program for Undergraduate·Associate Degrees 2024 Korea-Japan Future Talent Invitational Program aims to foster talented students who will lead future-oriented Korea-Japan relations and contribute to the improvement of friendship between two countries. At the undergraduate·associate level, we aim to invite 20 Japanese students who wish to study a bachelor's or associate program in Korea from September 2024. To be selected as a Korea-Japan Future Talent Invitational Program recipient, an applicant must apply for a bachelor's or associate degree program via the NIIED-designated Korean universities and are passed the 1st round of selection managed by the universities. Please check the "2024 Application Guidelines for Undergraduate ·Associate Degrees(incl. the available universities), "application forms" and other requirements in the attached files below. Application deadline is different by each university you apply for. So, we highly advise you to make sure to check the guideline for 2024 Korea-Japan Future Talent Invitational Program application separately announced by the NIIED-designated Korean universities. Please contact the person in charge of each university for more details. Best, Global Korea Scholarship Center 20240430171416
Additional Application Guidelines and University Information for 2024 GKS-G R&D and Global Network Program
Applicants from all countries around the world can apply to R&D and Global Network program ※ R&D Program (in University Track) provides R&D-focused curriculum and field experience in research institutes and industries. In addition, the program is designed to attract and nurture talented scholars in the strategic high-tech industry and to be beneficial to the scholar‟s future career. ※ Global Network Program (in University Track) provides current/prospective officials, professionals or students in the field of global affairs (e.g. Working for Diplomatic Strategy in G7 or ODA countries) with Master‟s degree program within 2-year only (No Korean language program). - R&D and Global Network academic fields were established by the GKS participating universities - Applicants can only apply to the universities and departments that are listed in the "University Information" file attached under the GKS Notice post in Study in Korea website. (www.studyinkorea.go.kr > Scholarship > GKS Notice) - Refer to "3. 2024 University Information(RD, Global Network).zip" attached file for details <2024 Global Korea Scholarship for Graduate Degrees (GKS-G)> In 2024, Korean government aims to invite 2,200 international students for 2024 Global Korea Scholarship program for graduate degrees. Applicants must apply either to a Korean Embassy where they hold citizenship (embassy track) or directly to one of the designated universities (university track). For inquiries regarding application submission (i.e., application deadline, submission method, additional required documents, authentication, translation certificate, etc.), please contact each embassy and university directly since they will be conducting the first round of selection. For more information about the program, please refer to the all attached files carefully. Best regards, GKS Center <<2024 GKS-G: 졸업예정자 지원 가능 >> Starting from 2024 GKS-G, applicants who are expected to graduate by July 31st, 2024 can also apply for the program with a certificate of expected graduation or provisional degree and the latest version of the academic transcript with the present CGPA information. Such applicants must submit their official graduation certificate (or diploma) that indicates the date of graduation (or degree acquisition date) and final academic transcript to GKS Center, NIIED by July 31st, 2024. Failure to do so will result in the cancellation of your acceptance. No exceptions will be allowed. 20240306140003
2024 GKS-G Online Application System Manual (Bangladeshi and Italian Embasssy Track Applicants Only)
2024 GKS-G Online Application System Manual (Bangladeshi and Italian Embassy Track Applicants Only) 1. Visit the website: www.studyinkorea.go.kr -> Click 'K Scholarship' 2. Click 'Apply' button 3. Sign-up: Make sure to fill out your nationality correctly. (If your nationality information is not belong to Bangladeshi or Italy, you cannot apply for the 2024 GKS-G via online application system) 4. Click 'Apply for graduate school scholarship' button 5. Follow each step carefully and fill out all the information of online application form for the 2024 GKS-G. 20240221115443
장학금 (0건)
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K라이프 (34건)
[경상국립대학교]2022년 개발도상국 차세대리더 육성사업(FGLP)Ⅱ-일반전형 장학생 모집 Application Guide to Future Global Leaders Project (FGLP)Ⅱ-General Admission Scholarship 2022
2022년 개발도상국 차세대리더 육성사업(FGLP)Ⅱ-일반전형 장학생 모집요강 Application Guide to Future Global Leaders Project (FGLP)Ⅱ-General Admission Scholarship 2022 1. FGLP 장학금 안내 가. 장학기간 : 2년(4학기) ※ 장학생은 원칙적으로 입학 후 2년간 휴학할 수 없으며, 부득이한 사정으로 휴학하는 경우 휴학기간은 장학기간에 포함하지 않음 ※ 장학기간 종료 후에 발생하는 모든 비용은 학생 본인이 부담하여야 함 나. 연간 장학금액 : 약 18,000,000 (미화 약 15,000달러) 다. 장학금 지급시기 장학금 유형 장학금액 지급시기 등록금 장학금(전일제장학금)*(A) 등록금 전액 매 학기말 생활비(교수 연구비) (B) 학부(과)별 상이 매월 생활비(발전기금) (C) 매월 300,000원 매월 합 계 (D=A+B+C) 연간 약 18,000,000원 * BK21 학부(과) 소속 학생의 등록금은 생활비(교수 연구비)에 포함되어 있음 ※ 장학금 지급시기는 대학의 사정에 따라 사전 안내 없이 변경될 수 있음 1 Information on FGLP Scholarship A. Scholarship Period : 2 years (4 semesters) ※ In principle, scholarship students shall not take a leave of absence for two years after admission. However, where taking a leave of absence due to unavoidable circumstances, the period of absence shall not be included in the scholarship period. ※ All expenses incurred after the end of the scholarship period shall be borne by the student himself/herself. B. Annual Scholarship : About 18,000,000KRW (About 15,000US$) ※ 자세한 내용은 첨부파일을 참고해주시기 바랍니다. <문의> ✤ 전 화 : +82-55-772-0285 ✤ 주 소 : 52828 경상남도 진주시 진주대로 501 경상대학교 대외협력과(1동 220호) ✤ E-mail : hdkim@gnu.ac.kr ✤ 홈페이지 : https://newgh.gnu.ac.kr/international/main.do 20220310092114
2022 Academic Exchange Support Program for North Koran and Unification Studies/2022년도 북한·통일학 펠로우십 참가자 모집(펠로우십)
I. Overview Background and Overview The “Academic Exchange Support Program for North Korean and Unification Studies” is designed to expand the pool of experts on peace and unification studies on the Korean Peninsula as well as North Korean studies in the international community. As part of this academic exchange program, we are calling for fellowship applications from young scholars whose research interests include studies on North Korea and Korean unification. II. Fellowship Program MOU-IFES North Korean Studies Fellowship The “MOU-IFES North Korean Studies Fellowship” is designed to provide fellowship support for 6 months or 1 year to applicants who are interested in Korean Peninsula issues in general, North Korea and unification, in particular. Managed by the Institute for Far Eastern Studies of Kyungnam University, this fellowship provides numerous programs for scholars including opportunities to work with prestigious experts on North Korean issues, attend special lectures by current and former government ministers and policy makers, and participate in academic exchange, expert workshops, and field trips, among other activities and events. 1) Program Outline o Special Lectures and Seminars for Individual Research Project o Cooperative Project with researchers/teams in the institute o Participation in Academic Programs addressing North Korea and Korean unification issues o Opportunity to attend/participate in program-related weekly seminars, field workshops, project presentations, and academic forums, among other events 2) Research Period: 6 months or 12 months o Please choose your research period; 6 months or 12 months (Starting from January 2022) o The fellowship period approved by the IFES's review committee may differ from applicants' proposed schedule o Recipient of the fellowship grant should enter the Republic of Korea at least 15 days prior to the start date of the program o In accordance with the Infectious Control and Prevention Act, all incoming foreigners, regardless of nationality, shall be subject to mandatory 14-day quarantine beginning on the date of entry 3) Applicant Eligibility o Foreign nationals who mainly work outside the Republic of Korea in the fields of North Korean studies and/or peace and Korean unification studies (including PhD candidates working on their thesis, and postdoctoral researchers). Persons with work experience (including journalists, government officials, international development experts, etc.) and research agenda relevant to the promotion of peace on the Korean Peninsula will also be considered. o PhD candidate (for scholars) or individuals with over five years of experience in relevant fields. o The following qualifications will be given favorable considerations: ? Korean/English language proficiency ? Previous contributions to academic journals and media ? Previous presentations to academic conferences and seminars ? Public sector work experience relevant to North Korean and Korean unification issues 4) Grant Amount o Living expenses (KRW 2,300,000 to 3,000,000/month) o Round-trip flight ticket (expense reimbursement) o Medical insurance coverage o Settling-in allowance (KRW 1,000,000) III. Application 1) Research Topics North Korea, Inter-Korean Relations, Peace and Unification of the Korean Peninsula and related topics 2) Number of Recipients TBD 3) Fellowship Period 6 months or 12 months (Starts from January 2022) 4) Restrictions Those who have received scholarships/grants with the same research topic in the past and those who are currently receiving other types of scholarship/grant from other institutions of the Republic of Korea are ineligible for this program. 5) Reminders o The beneficiary of this program should stay in the Republic of Korea during the semester/fellowship period. o Beneficiaries who wish to terminate their participation in the program earlier than scheduled without legitimate reasons will be required to return the grant received. o All personal information provided by applicants will only be used for this program. All applicants should consent to the collection and use of his/her personal information submitted in the application to commence the process. o Documents submitted will not be returned. ※ The program will proceed after the final selection is made and once the contract is signed. 6) Required Documents: Classification Required Documents Fellowship Application Form (Form 1) Personal Statement (Form 2) Research Proposal (Form 4) (2) Recommendation Letters (Form 5) Applicant Agreement (Form 6) Personal Medical Assessment (Form 7) Agreement to Collect and Use Personal Information (Form 8) Proof of Employment (If you have current position) Employment Verification Document Awards / Grants / Scholarships / Sponsorships Verification Document Soft copy of publications Copy of passport Graduation Certificate or Course Completion Certificate(only for Ph. D. candidate) Grade Transcripts from the highest level of education Reminders ※ Regarding required documents except IFES Forms, only scanned files (in PDF format) are valid. Image files will not be counted toward the application. (Please do not upload pictures taken with your cell phone.) ※ The application form and all required documents must be submitted in English or Korean. If documents are submitted in other languages, please submit both the original file and a verbatim translation. ※ Please submit the application form (ONE Word file) and other required documents (ONE PDF file) via email. You should submit 1 Word file and 1 PDF file. ※ File format (Fellowship or Scholarship) Ex. Fellowship applicant - Fellowship_2021_LAST NAME, FIRST NAME_Application form - Fellowship_2021_LAST NAME, FIRST NAME_Required Documents 7) Application Period July 21, 2021 to August 31, 2021 17:00 (Korean Standard Time GMT+9) ※ Applications submitted after the deadline will be discarded. ※ Application and two letters of recommendation should be received within deadline. 8) Application Procedures Submit required documents via email to ifes_apply@kyungnam.ac.kr ※ Website: https://ifes.kyungnam.ac.kr/ifeseng/7791/subview.do 9) Notification of Selected Beneficiaries September 2021 (Date of notification may change without notice) Acceptance/Rejection notices will be announced via email. 10) Contact The Institute for Far Eastern Studies of Kyungnam University: ifes_apply@kyungnam.ac.kr / 82-3700-0701, 0708 ※ Website: https://ifes.kyungnam.ac.kr/ifeseng/7791/subview.do 20210729075932
[해외 고등교육 동향] 중국-뉴질랜드 교육 연계 강화를 위한 협약 체결
▶ 중국-뉴질랜드는 상호 역량 인증 및 정보교류를 위한 태스크 포스(Joint Working Group)를 구성하는 내용으로 전략적 협력 강화 협약(Strategic Cooperation Arrangement)을 체결함 ▶ 태스크포스는 뉴질랜드에 유학 중인 중국장학협의회(China Scholarship Council) 대학원생들의 연구·학업 유지와 2005년 체결한 뉴질랜드-중국 삼자파트너십(The New Zealand-China Tripartite Partnership)(각국의 저명한 3개 대학 간 긴밀한 연구 협력 파트너십 체결 지원을 위한 협약)의 발전에 크게 기여할 예정 ▶ 삼자파트너십 지원 협약은 중국 학생들이 세계 상위 3% 대학에서 연구를 진행할 수 있도록 지원했으며, 뉴질랜드의 연구 개발 강화에도 크게 작용함 ▶ 향후에도 양국은 협약을 통해 고등교육 협력 강화에 힘쓸 예정 원문 보기(클릭) The PIE News / 2021.3.1. 20210422111558
[한세예스24문화재단] 외국인 장학생 모집 공고(석사)
<한세예스24문화재단> 본 재단에서 국내 대학원 석사 재학 외국인 대상 장학 지원 사업을 진행 중입니다. [붙임] 파일을 참고하여 관심있는 학생들은 신청해주시기 바랍니다. 지원일시 : 2021.3.16(화)~3.28(일) 장학금액 : 생활 및 학비 보조금 200만원 (선발 시 석사 졸업까지 매 학기 지원) 선발방법 : 1차 서류면접 / 2차 온라인 화상 면접 접수 및 상세 요강 : http://www.hansaeyes24foundation.com 접수페이지 : http://www.hansaeyes24foundation.com/business/scholarship/01 20210317094515
[ 2020 Study in Korea Online Education Fair(July) ]
[ 2020 Study in Korea Online Education Fair(July) ] It is our pleasure to announce that NIIED will hold “2020 Study in Korea Online Education Fair(July)” for international students. Name of the event: 2020 Study in Korea Online Education Fair(July) Date: July 14th(Tue) ~ July 27th (Mon) * Registration: June 30th(Tue) ~ July 27th(Mon) 3. Introduction of main contents - Studying in Korea, scholarship programs, information about Korean Universities, online application, online consultation, Live Chat 4. Participating universities: 75 universities - Visit the Study in Korea website (www.studyinkorea.go.kr) to select the online education fair link. - Complete the registration and visit the website during the online education fair. 20200701150607
[ 2020 March Study in Korea Online Education Fair ]
[ 2020 March Study in Korea Online Education Fair ] It is our pleasure to announce that NIIED will hold “2020 March Study in Korea Online Education Fair” for international students. Name of the event: 2020 March Study in Korea Online Education Fair Date: March 24th (Tue) ~ April 6th (Mon) * Registration: March 10th (Tue) ~ April 6th (Mon) 3. Introduction of main contents - Studying in Korea, scholarship programs, information about Korean Universities, online application, online consultation, Live Chat 4. Participating universities: 49 universities - Visit the Study in Korea website (www.studyinkorea.go.kr) to select the online education fair link. - Complete the registration and visit the website during the online education fair. 20200309135835
[The Second half of 2019(July) Study in Korea Online Education Fair]
[The Second half of 2019(July) Study in Korea Online Education Fair] It is our pleasure to announce that NIIED will hold “The Second half of 2019(July) Study in Korea Online Education Fair” for international students. Name of the event: The Second half of 2019(July) Study in Korea Online Education Fair Date: July 16th (Tue) ~ July 29th (Mon) * Registration: June 17th (Mon) ~ July 29th (Mon) 3. Introduction of main contents - Studying in Korea, scholarship programs, information about Korean Universities, online application, online consultation, Live Chat consultation 4. Participating universities: 44 universities 5. How to access and join the online education fair (Please see the attachment.) - Visit the Study in Korea website (www.studyinkorea.go.kr) to select the online education fair link. - Complete the registration and visit the website during the online education fair. 20190625111003
2019 Daewoong Global Scholarship Mentoring Program Woongtoring School
[The First half of 2019(March) Study in Korea Online Education Fair]
[The First half of 2019(March) Study in Korea Online Education Fair] It is our pleasure to announce that NIIED will hold “2019 March Study in Korea Online Education Fair” for international students. Name of the event: The First half of 2019(March) Study in Korea Online Education Fair Date: March 26th (Tue) ~ April 8th (Mon) * Registration: March 18th (Mon) ~ April 8th (Mon) 3. Introduction of main contents - Studying in Korea, Scholarship programs, Information about Korean Universities, Online application, Online consultation, Real-time consultation 4. Participating universities: 56 universities 5. How to access and join the online education fair (Please see the attachment.) - Visit the Study in Korea website (www.studyinkorea.go.kr) to select the online education fair link. - Complete the registration and visit the website during the online education fair. 20190401093230
[The Second biannual Online Education Fair Korea 2017]
It is our pleasure to announce that NIIED will hold [The Second biannual Online Education Fair Korea 2017 for international students. 1) Name of the event: The Second biannual Online Education Fair Korea 2017 2) Date: ct. 18th(Wed) ~ 31st(Tue), * Registration: Sep. 25th(Mon)~Oct.31st(Tue) 3) Introduction of main contents - Promotional booth for Studying in Korea: information of studying in Korea and government scholarship programs, job information - Promotional booth for Korean universities: real-time consultation, admission guideline for international students, online consultation 4) Participating universities: 47 5) How to access and join the online education fair (Please see the attachment.) - Create an account on the Study in Korea website is required. - Visit the Study in Korea website (www.studyinkorea.go.kr) to select the online education fair link. - Complete the registration and visit the website during the online education fair. 20170925180915
K취업 (7건)
2024 Global Korea Scholarship(GKS/KGSP)-Graduate Degrees Application Guideline
https://global.donga.ac.kr/global/CMS/Board/Board.do?mCode=MN066&searchCategory=c003&mode=view&mgr_seq=717&board_seq=8357671 Please refer to above link. 20240409150709
Hanshin University introduction summary
□ BASIC INFORMATION (as of June, 2021) Name Hanshin University Establishment 1940 Type Private 4 year university Numbers of Student(Int'l) 300(Total number of students: 5,100) City Osan Nearby cities Suwon Nearby Airport Incheon International Airport Website www.hs.ac.kr Office International Affairs Center Tel. 82-31-379-0211 Email. interedu0901@hs.ac.kr Possible Languages for Application Korean, English, Vietnamese, Russian, Chinese Majors College of Theology, College of Humanities, College of Korean-Chinese Cultural Industries, College of Social Sciences, College of Human Service, College of Global Cooperation, College of IT, College of Future Convergence Talent Address Hanshin University, International Affairs Center, 137 Hanshindae-gil, Osan-si, Gyeonggi-do, 18101 Korea □ ADMISSION Date of Enrollment 05 July ~ 09 July, 2021 03 January ~ 10 January, 2022 Steps Step 1: Document screening No essay writing, No Interview Application requirement • Academic Qualification Those who have graduated from a regular high school or are planning to graduate by the official date of admission. • Language Proficiency Requirement Those who acquired TOPIK level 1 or higher or Those who have completed level 1 or above in a university Korean language program □ SCHOLARSHIP, DORMITORY, KOREAN LANGUAGE PROGRAM Scholarship Currently enrolled student • Tuition is from 3,300,000 KRW and varies by department. • International students are evaluated using an absolute evaluation method. International students do not compete with Korean students for grade evaluation. • Scholarship Details - Average GPA 4.5 : 100% of tuition exemption - Average GPA 4.0 : 1,800,000 KRW tuition support - Average GPA 3.5 : 1,000,000 KRW tuition support - Average GPA 3.0 : 800,000 KRW tuition support Qualification • Scholarship applicants must complete at least 12 credits per semester Newly admitted student • Only for the first semester of admission TOPIK level 6 holder : 100% of tuition exemption TOPIK level 5 holder : 2,500,000 KRW tuition support TOPIK level 4 holder : 2,200,000 KRW tuition support TOPIK level 3 holder : 1,800,000 KRW tuition support TOPIK level 2 or 1 holder or without TOPIK : 1,000,000 KRW tuition support Dormitory Fee(Monthly) 180,000 KRW(no meal) All new students are exempt from the entire dormitory fee for the first 2 semesters. Capacity 800 Qualification Hanshin University student Korea Language Program Courses 5 steps (separate from undergraduate school) Numbers/class 15 Period/semester 12weeks Qualification • Academic Qualification: Those who have graduated from a regular high school or are planning to graduate by the official date of admission. Tuition/semester 1,200,000 KRW First enrolled student must register for 1 year (4 semesters) □ FACILITIES & ENVIRONMENT University Major Facilities Restaurant, gym, bank, post office Convenience Facilities Convenience store, beauty shop, coffee shop, etc. Vicinity - Transportation Metro Subway and Train, Town Bus, Seoul Metropolitan Bus - Accommodation Small villa(Rent room) - Cultural Sites Suwon Hwaseong, U.N.I. complex, Suwon Complex Mall, Dongtan Complex Mall - Hospitals Hallym University Hospital, Dentistry, orthopedics, internal medicine, etc. Remarks Hanshin University has low tuition, dormitory and living expenses. It is easy to go from Hanshin University to Suwon or Seoul (20 minutes to Suwon, 50 minutes to Gangnam, Seoul) □ REMARKS We provide quality education so that students can learn Korean quickly. We also provide various cultural experiences to foreign students to enjoy Korean culture every semester. We have many Korean and Korean culture subjects those are recognized as liberal arts credits. So even if you don't know Korean well, you can start studying at our university quickly and conveniently. 20210528172004
Hanshin University introduction summary
□ BASIC INFORMATION (as of June, 2021) Name Hanshin University Establishment 1940 Type Private 4 year university Numbers of Student(Int'l) 300(Total number of students: 5,100) City Osan Nearby cities Suwon Nearby Airport Incheon International Airport Website www.hs.ac.kr Office International Affairs Center Tel. 82-31-379-0211 Email. interedu0901@hs.ac.kr Possible Languages for Application Korean, English, Vietnamese, Russian, Chinese Majors College of Theology, College of Humanities, College of Korean-Chinese Cultural Industries, College of Social Sciences, College of Human Service, College of Global Cooperation, College of IT, College of Future Convergence Talent Address Hanshin University, International Affairs Center, 137 Hanshindae-gil, Osan-si, Gyeonggi-do, 18101 Korea □ ADMISSION Date of Enrollment 05 July ~ 09 July, 2021 03 January ~ 10 January, 2022 Steps Step 1: Document screening No essay writing, No Interview Application requirement • Academic Qualification Those who have graduated from a regular high school or are planning to graduate by the official date of admission. • Language Proficiency Requirement Those who acquired TOPIK level 1 or higher or Those who have completed level 1 or above in a university Korean language program □ SCHOLARSHIP, DORMITORY, KOREAN LANGUAGE PROGRAM Scholarship Currently enrolled student • Tuition is from 3,300,000 KRW and varies by department. • International students are evaluated using an absolute evaluation method. International students do not compete with Korean students for grade evaluation. • Scholarship Details - Average GPA 4.5 : 100% of tuition exemption - Average GPA 4.0 : 1,800,000 KRW tuition support - Average GPA 3.5 : 1,000,000 KRW tuition support - Average GPA 3.0 : 800,000 KRW tuition support Qualification • Scholarship applicants must complete at least 12 credits per semester Newly admitted student • Only for the first semester of admission TOPIK level 6 holder : 100% of tuition exemption TOPIK level 5 holder : 2,500,000 KRW tuition support TOPIK level 4 holder : 2,200,000 KRW tuition support TOPIK level 3 holder : 1,800,000 KRW tuition support TOPIK level 2 or 1 holder or without TOPIK : 1,000,000 KRW tuition support Dormitory Fee(Monthly) 180,000 KRW(no meal) All new students are exempt from the entire dormitory fee for the first 2 semesters. Capacity 800 Qualification Hanshin University student Korea Language Program Courses 5 steps (separate from undergraduate school) Numbers/class 15 Period/semester 12weeks Qualification • Academic Qualification: Those who have graduated from a regular high school or are planning to graduate by the official date of admission. Tuition/semester 1,200,000 KRW First enrolled student must register for 1 year (4 semesters) □ FACILITIES & ENVIRONMENT University Major Facilities Restaurant, gym, bank, post office Convenience Facilities Convenience store, beauty shop, coffee shop, etc. Vicinity - Transportation Metro Subway and Train, Town Bus, Seoul Metropolitan Bus - Accommodation Small villa(Rent room) - Cultural Sites Suwon Hwaseong, U.N.I. complex, Suwon Complex Mall, Dongtan Complex Mall - Hospitals Hallym University Hospital, Dentistry, orthopedics, internal medicine, etc. Remarks Hanshin University has low tuition, dormitory and living expenses. It is easy to go from Hanshin University to Suwon or Seoul (20 minutes to Suwon, 50 minutes to Gangnam, Seoul) □ REMARKS We provide quality education so that students can learn Korean quickly. We also provide various cultural experiences to foreign students to enjoy Korean culture every semester. We have many Korean and Korean culture subjects those are recognized as liberal arts credits. So even if you don't know Korean well, you can start studying at our university quickly and conveniently. 20210528172004
[Myongji University] Master's and Doctoral Research Scholarship Program
[Myongji University] Master's and Doctoral Research Scholarship Program
2019 KFB-AJOU Banking and Finance Scholarship Program
2019 KFB-AJOU Banking and Finance Scholarship Program
유학박람회 (219건)
STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Vietnam (STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Vietnam)
University with low tuition fee and wide range of scholarship. Leading University in Convergence Education that creates Future Values. Rapid changes in the educational environment call for a change in the role of universities. The society's expectations for higher education are changing as well. The core of the 4th industrial revolution is creativity and convergence, and at the center of the communication to connect different things is the human being. Honoring the basic principles for education with humility, the Kunsan National University is cultivating young talents who will be the leaders in the future with their creativity and multidisciplinary skills. The KSNU understands the value of change and communication.
STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Ukraine (STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Ukraine)
Chungnam National University - Established in 1952 - 2020 THE(Times Higher Education) ranked No. 2 in THE(Times Higher Education) among flagship national universities - TIed for 1st place among Korean universities and flagship national universities in Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions - 40th in the world, 4th among Korean universities, 2nd among flagship national universities in industrial innovation and Infrastructure - Large green campus (The 3rd largest nationwide) Korean Language Program - Great nationality mix with over 900 students in a year - Korean language institute selected by NIIED(Korean Government Scholarship Program) - TOPIK(Test of Proficiency in Korean) test center - Excellent faculties and modernized teaching facilities - Various cultural activities - School-owned TOPIK(Test of Proficiency in Korean) testing system - Plenty of scholarship opportunities - Korean buddy program & mentoring service
STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Brazil (STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Brazil)
- The first four-year university established after liberation in November 1946 - Over 800 foreign students from 18 countries enrolled - Certified IEQAS (International Education Quality Assurance System) from the Ministry of Education for 6 consecutive years - Cheongju University has a high student scholarship payment rate and offers many scholarships to international students as well. - Priority is given to dormitory assignments for international students, and if the student wishes, the dormitory can be used continuously while attending school.
STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Brazil (STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Brazil)
Chungnam National University - Established in 1952 - 2020 THE(Times Higher Education) ranked No. 2 in THE(Times Higher Education) among flagship national universities - TIed for 1st place among Korean universities and flagship national universities in Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions - 40th in the world, 4th among Korean universities, 2nd among flagship national universities in industrial innovation and Infrastructure - Large green campus (The 3rd largest nationwide) Korean Language Program - Great nationality mix with over 900 students in a year - Korean language institute selected by NIIED(Korean Government Scholarship Program) - TOPIK(Test of Proficiency in Korean) test center - Excellent faculties and modernized teaching facilities - Various cultural activities - School-owned TOPIK(Test of Proficiency in Korean) testing system - Plenty of scholarship opportunities - Korean buddy program & mentoring service
STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Paraguay (STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Paraguay)
- The first four-year university established after liberation in November 1946 - Over 800 foreign students from 18 countries enrolled - Certified IEQAS (International Education Quality Assurance System) from the Ministry of Education for 6 consecutive years - Cheongju University has a high student scholarship payment rate and offers many scholarships to international students as well. - Priority is given to dormitory assignments for international students, and if the student wishes, the dormitory can be used continuously while attending school.
STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Paraguay (STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Paraguay)
Chungnam National University - Established in 1952 - 2020 THE(Times Higher Education) ranked No. 2 in THE(Times Higher Education) among flagship national universities - TIed for 1st place among Korean universities and flagship national universities in Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions - 40th in the world, 4th among Korean universities, 2nd among flagship national universities in industrial innovation and Infrastructure - Large green campus (The 3rd largest nationwide) Korean Language Program - Great nationality mix with over 900 students in a year - Korean language institute selected by NIIED(Korean Government Scholarship Program) - TOPIK(Test of Proficiency in Korean) test center - Excellent faculties and modernized teaching facilities - Various cultural activities - School-owned TOPIK(Test of Proficiency in Korean) testing system - Plenty of scholarship opportunities - Korean buddy program & mentoring service
- The first four-year university established after liberation in November 1946 - Over 800 foreign students from 18 countries enrolled - Certified IEQAS (International Education Quality Assurance System) from the Ministry of Education for 6 consecutive years - Cheongju University has a high student scholarship payment rate and offers many scholarships to international students as well. - Priority is given to dormitory assignments for international students, and if the student wishes, the dormitory can be used continuously while attending school.
Chungnam National University - Established in 1952 - 2020 THE(Times Higher Education) ranked No. 2 in THE(Times Higher Education) among flagship national universities - TIed for 1st place among Korean universities and flagship national universities in Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions - 40th in the world, 4th among Korean universities, 2nd among flagship national universities in industrial innovation and Infrastructure - Large green campus (The 3rd largest nationwide) Korean Language Program - Great nationality mix with over 900 students in a year - Korean language institute selected by NIIED(Korean Government Scholarship Program) - TOPIK(Test of Proficiency in Korean) test center - Excellent faculties and modernized teaching facilities - Various cultural activities - School-owned TOPIK(Test of Proficiency in Korean) testing system - Plenty of scholarship opportunities - Korean buddy program & mentoring service
STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Germany (STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Germany)
- The first four-year university established after liberation in November 1946 - Over 800 foreign students from 18 countries enrolled - Certified IEQAS (International Education Quality Assurance System) from the Ministry of Education for 6 consecutive years - Cheongju University has a high student scholarship payment rate and offers many scholarships to international students as well. - Priority is given to dormitory assignments for international students, and if the student wishes, the dormitory can be used continuously while attending school.
STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Germany (STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Germany)
Chungnam National University - Established in 1952 - 2020 THE(Times Higher Education) ranked No. 2 in THE(Times Higher Education) among flagship national universities - TIed for 1st place among Korean universities and flagship national universities in Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions - 40th in the world, 4th among Korean universities, 2nd among flagship national universities in industrial innovation and Infrastructure - Large green campus (The 3rd largest nationwide) Korean Language Program - Great nationality mix with over 900 students in a year - Korean language institute selected by NIIED(Korean Government Scholarship Program) - TOPIK(Test of Proficiency in Korean) test center - Excellent faculties and modernized teaching facilities - Various cultural activities - School-owned TOPIK(Test of Proficiency in Korean) testing system - Plenty of scholarship opportunities - Korean buddy program & mentoring service
콘텐츠 (0건)
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