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Announcement: 258 universities can get financial support by the Government in 2017
2017년 정부 재정지원 가능 대학 258교 발표 고등교육법 제2조 제1호, 제2호, 제4호에 따른 일반대학, 산업대학, 전문대학 중 정부 재정지원이 가능한 대학의 명단이 다음과 같습니다. 구분 학교명 4년제(141개) 가야대학교, 가천대학교, 가톨릭관동대학교, 가톨릭대학교, 강남대학교, 강릉원주대학교, 강원대학교, 건국대학교, 건국대학교(글로컬), 건양대학교, 경기대학교, 경남과학기술대학교, 경남대학교, 경북대학교, 경상대학교, 경성대학교, 경운대학교, 경일대학교, 경희대학교, 계명대학교, 고려대학교, 고려대학교(세종), 고신대학교, 공주대학교, 광신대학교, 광운대학교, 광주대학교, 광주여자대학교, 국민대학교, 군산대학교, 금오공과대학교, 남부대학교, 남서울대학교, 단국대학교, 대구가톨릭대학교, 대구대학교, 대구한의대학교, 대전대학교, 대진대학교, 덕성여자대학교, 동국대학교, 동국대학교(경주), 동덕여자대학교, 동명대학교, 동서대학교, 동신대학교, 동아대학교, 동양대학교, 동의대학교, 명지대학교, 목원대학교, 목포가톨릭대학교, 목포대학교, 목포해양대학교, 배재대학교, 백석대학교, 부경대학교, 부산가톨릭대학교, 부산대학교, 부산외국어대학교, 부산장신대학교, 삼육대학교, 상명대학교, 상명대학교(천안), 서강대학교, 서경대학교, 서울과학기술대학교, 서울대학교, 서울시립대학교, 서울신학대학교, 서울여자대학교, 서원대학교, 선문대학교, 성결대학교, 성공회대학교, 성균관대학교, 성신여자대학교, 세명대학교, 세종대학교, 숙명여자대학교, 순천대학교, 순천향대학교, 숭실대학교, 신라대학교, 아주대학교, 안동대학교, 안양대학교, 연세대학교, 연세대학교(원주), 영남대학교, 영산대학교, 예수대학교, 우석대학교, 우송대학교, 울산대학교, 원광대학교, 위덕대학교, 이화여자대학교, 인제대학교, 인천대학교, 인하대학교, 전남대학교, 전북대학교, 전주대학교, 제주대학교, 조선대학교, 중앙대학교, 중원대학교, 창원대학교, 청운대학교, 초당대학교, 총신대학교, 충남대학교, 충북대학교, 평택대학교, 포항공과대학교, 한경대학교, 한국교통대학교, 한국국제대학교, 한국기술교육대학교, 한국산업기술대학교, 한국성서대학교, 한국외국어대학교, 한국체육대학교, 한국항공대학교, 한국해양대학교, 한남대학교, 한동대학교, 한라대학교, 한림대학교, 한밭대학교, 한서대학교, 한성대학교 한세대학교, 한신대학교, 한양대학교, 한양대학교(ERICA), 협성대학교, 호남대학교, 호서대학교, 홍익대학교 전문대 (117개) 가톨릭상지대학교, 강동대학교, 강릉영동대학교, 강원관광대학교, 거제대학교, 경기과학기술대학교, 경남도립거창대학, 경남도립남해대학, 경남정보대학교, 경민대학교, 경복대학교, 경북도립대학교, 경북보건대학교, 경북전문대학교, 경인여자대학교, 계명문화대학교, 계원예술대학교, 광주보건대학교, 구미대학교, 국제대학교, 군산간호대학교, 군장대학교, 기독간호대학교, 김포대학교, 대구공업대학교, 대구과학대학교, 대구보건대학교, 대덕대학교, 대동대학교, 대림대학교, 대원대학교, 대전과학기술대학교, 대전보건대학교, 동강대학교, 동남보건대학교, 동부산대학교, 동서울대학교, 동아방송예술대학교, 동양미래대학교, 동원과학기술대학교, 동원대학교, 동의과학대학교, 동주대학교, 두원공과대학교, 마산대학교, 명지전문대학, 문경대학교, 배화여자대학교, 백석문화대학교, 백제예술대학교, 부산경상대학교, 부산과학기술대학교, 부산여자대학교, 부천대학교, 삼육보건대학교, 서라벌대학교, 서영대학교, 서울여자간호대학교, 서울예술대학교, 서일대학교, 서정대학교, 서해대학교, 선린대학교, 수성대학교, 수원과학대학교, 수원여자대학교, 순천제일대학교, 숭의여자대학교, 신구대학교, 신성대학교, 신안산대학교, 아주자동차대학, 안동과학대학교, 안산대학교, 여주대학교, 연성대학교, 연암공과대학교, 연암대학교, 영남이공대학교, 영진전문대학, 오산대학교, 용인송담대학교, 우송정보대학, 울산과학대학교, 원광보건대학교, 유한대학교, 인덕대학교, 인천재능대학교, 인하공업전문대학, 장안대학교, 전남과학대학교, 전남도립대학교, 전북과학대학교, 전주기전대학, 전주비전대학교, 제주관광대학교, 제주한라대학교, 조선간호대학교, 조선이공대학교, 진주보건대학교, 창원문성대학교, 청강문화산업대학교, 청암대학교, 춘해보건대학교, 충남도립대학교, 충북보건과학대학교, 충청대학교, 포항대학교, 한국골프대학, 한국관광대학교, 한국복지대학교, 한국승강기대학교, 한국영상대학교, 한림성심대학교, 한양여자대학교, 혜전대학교, 호산대학교 * 대학명은 가나다 순임 Announcement: 258 universities can get financial support by the Government in 2017 Here is the list of universities and colleges in Korea that eligible to be granted financial support from the Government under the Higher Education Act; Article2-(1),(2) and (4). Classification Name of university University (141) Kaya University, Gachon University, Catholic Kwandong University, The Catholic University of Korea, Kangnam University, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Kangwon National University, Konkuk University, Konkuk University Glocal Campus, Konyang University, Kyonggi University, Gyeongnam National University of Science and Technology, Kyungnam University, Kyungpook National University, Gyeongsang National University, Kyungsung University, Kyungwoon University, Kyungil University, KyungHee University, Keimyung University, Korea University, Korea University Sejong Campus, Kosin University, Kongju National University, Kwangshin University, Kwangwoon University, Gwangju University, Kwangju Women's University, Kookmin University, Kunsan National University, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Nambu University, Namseoul University, Dankook University, Catholic University of Daegu, Daegu University, Daegu Haany University, Daejeon University, Daejin University, Duksung Women's University, Dongguk University, Dongguk University Gyeongju Campus, Dongduk Women's University, Tongmyong University, Dongseo University, Dongshin University, Dong-A University, Dongyang University, Dong-eui University, Myongji University Natural Science Campus, Mokwon University, Mokpo Catholic University, Mokpo National University, Mokpo National Maritime University, Paichai University, Baekseok University, Pukyong National University, Catholic University of Pusan, Pusan National University, Busan University of Foreign Studies, Busan Presbyterian University, Sahmyook University, Sangmyung University, Sangmyung University Cheonan Campus, Sogang University, Seokyeong University, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul National University, The University of Seoul, Seoul Theological University, Seoul Women's University, Seowon University, Sunmoon University, Sungkyul University, Sungkonghoe University, Sungkyunkwan University, Sungshin women's university, Semyung University, Sejong University, Sookmyung Women's University, Sunchon National University, Soonchunhyang University, Soongsil University, Silla University, Ajou University, Andong National University, Anyang University, Yonsei University, Yonsei University Wonju Campus, Yeungnam University, Youngsan University, Jesus University, Woosuk University, Woosong University, University of Ulsan, Wonkwang University, Uiduk University, Ewha Womans University, Inje University, Incheon National University, Inha University, Chonnam National University, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju University, Jeju National University, Chosun University, Chung-Ang University, Jungwon University, Changwon National University, Chungwoon University, Chodang University, Chongshin University, Chungnam National University, Chungbuk National University, Pyeongtaek University, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Hankyong National University, Korea National University of Transportation, International University of Korea, Korea University of Technology and Education, Korea Polytechnic University, Korean Bible University, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea National Sport University, Korea Aerospace University, Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Hannam University, Handong Global University, Halla University, Hallym University, Hanbat National University, Hanseo University, Hansung University, Hansei University, Hanshin University, Hanyang University, Hanyang University Erica Campus, Hyupsung University, Honam University, Hoseo University, Hongik University College (117) Catholic Sangji College, Gangdong College, Gangeung Yeongdong University, Kangwon Tourism College, Koje College, Gyeonggi College of Science and Technology, Gyeongnam Provincial Geochang College, Gyeongnam Provincial Namhae College, Kyungnam College of Information and Technology, Kyungmin College, Kyungbok University, Gyeongbuk Provincial College, Gyeongbuk College of Health, Kyungbuk College, Kyung-In Women's University, Keimyung College University, Kaywon University of Art & Design, Gwangju Health University, Kumi College, Kookje College, Kunsan College of Nursing, Kunjang University College, Christian College of Nursing, Kimpo College, Daegu Technical University, Taegu Science University, Daegu Health College, Daeduk College, Daedong College, Daelim University College, Daewon University College, Daejeon Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon Health Institute of Technology, Dongkang College, Dongnam Health College, Dong-Pusan College, Dong-Seoul University, Dong-Ah Institute of Media and Arts, Dongyang Mirae University, Dongwon Institute of Science and Technology, Tongwon University, Dongeui Institute of Technology, Dong-ju College, Doowon Technical University College, Masan University, Myongji College, Munkyung College, Baewha Women's University, Baekseok Culture University, Paekche Institute of the Arts, Busan Kyungsang College, Busan Institute of Science and Technology, Busan Womens College, Bucheon University, Sahmyook Health University College, Sorabol College, Seoyeong University, Seoul Women's College of Nursing, Seoul Institute of the Arts, Seoil University, Seojeong College, Sohae College, Sunlin College, Suseong College, Suwon Science College, Suwon Women's University, Suncheon Jeil College, Soongeui Women's College, Shingu College, Shinsung University, Shin Ansan University, Ajou Motor College, Andong Science College, Ansan University, Yeoju Institute of Technology, Yeonsung University, Yonam Institute of Technology, Yonam College, Yeungnam University College, Yeungjin College, Osan University, Yong-In Songdam College, Woosong College, Ulsan College, Wonkwang Health Science University, Yuhan University, Induk College, Jei University, Inha Technical College, Jangan College, Chunnan Techno University, Jeonnam Provincial College, Jeonbuk Science College, Jeonju Kijeon College, Vision University, College of Jeonju, Cheju Tourism College, Cheju Halla University, Chosun Nursing College, Chosun Collegr of Science & Technology, Jinju Health College, Changwon Moonsung University, Chungkang College of Cultural Industries, Chenogam College, Choonhae College of Health Sciences, Chungnam State University, Chungbuk Health and Science College, ChungCheong University, Pohang College, Korea Golf University, Korea Tourism College, Korea National University of Welfare, Korea Lift College, Korea University of Media Arts, Hallym Polytechnic University, Hanyang Women's University, Hyejeon College, Hosan University *The list is arranged in Korean alphabetical order. 2017年政府财政支援的大学名单公布(共258所) 按照高等教育法第二条的第一号、第二号、第四号,可政府财政支援的大学名单如下。 区分 区分 四年制(141所) Kaya University, Gachon University, Catholic Kwandong University, The Catholic University of Korea, Kangnam University, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Kangwon National University, Konkuk University, Konkuk University Glocal Campus, Konyang University, Kyonggi University, Gyeongnam National University of Science and Technology, Kyungnam University, Kyungpook National University, Gyeongsang National University, Kyungsung University, Kyungwoon University, Kyungil University, KyungHee University, Keimyung University, Korea University, Korea University Sejong Campus, Kosin University, Kongju National University, Kwangshin University, Kwangwoon University, Gwangju University, Kwangju Women's University, Kookmin University, Kunsan National University, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Nambu University, Namseoul University, Dankook University, Catholic University of Daegu, Daegu University, Daegu Haany University, Daejeon University, Daejin University, Duksung Women's University, Dongguk University, Dongguk University Gyeongju Campus, Dongduk Women's University, Tongmyong University, Dongseo University, Dongshin University, Dong-A University, Dongyang University, Dong-eui University, Myongji University Natural Science Campus, Mokwon University, Mokpo Catholic University, Mokpo National University, Mokpo National Maritime University, Paichai University, Baekseok University, Pukyong National University, Catholic University of Pusan, Pusan National University, Busan University of Foreign Studies, Busan Presbyterian University, Sahmyook University, Sangmyung University, Sangmyung University Cheonan Campus, Sogang University, Seokyeong University, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul National University, The University of Seoul, Seoul Theological University, Seoul Women's University, Seowon University, Sunmoon University, Sungkyul University, Sungkonghoe University, Sungkyunkwan University, Sungshin women's university, Semyung University, Sejong University, Sookmyung Women's University, Sunchon National University, Soonchunhyang University, Soongsil University, Silla University, Ajou University, Andong National University, Anyang University, Yonsei University, Yonsei University Wonju Campus, Yeungnam University, Youngsan University, Jesus University, Woosuk University, Woosong University, University of Ulsan, Wonkwang University, Uiduk University, Ewha Womans University, Inje University, Incheon National University, Inha University, Chonnam National University, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju University, Jeju National University, Chosun University, Chung-Ang University, Jungwon University, Changwon National University, Chungwoon University, Chodang University, Chongshin University, Chungnam National University, Chungbuk National University, Pyeongtaek University, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Hankyong National University, Korea National University of Transportation, International University of Korea, Korea University of Technology and Education, Korea Polytechnic University, Korean Bible University, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea National Sport University, Korea Aerospace University, Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Hannam University, Handong Global University, Halla University, Hallym University, Hanbat National University, Hanseo University, Hansung University, Hansei University, Hanshin University, Hanyang University, Hanyang University Erica Campus, Hyupsung University, Honam University, Hoseo University, Hongik University 专科大学(117所) Catholic Sangji College, Gangdong College, Gangeung Yeongdong University, Kangwon Tourism College, Koje College, Gyeonggi College of Science and Technology, Gyeongnam Provincial Geochang College, Gyeongnam Provincial Namhae College, Kyungnam College of Information and Technology, Kyungmin College, Kyungbok University, Gyeongbuk Provincial College, Gyeongbuk College of Health, Kyungbuk College, Kyung-In Women's University, Keimyung College University, Kaywon University of Art & Design, Gwangju Health University, Kumi College, Kookje College, Kunsan College of Nursing, Kunjang University College, Christian College of Nursing, Kimpo College, Daegu Technical University, Taegu Science University, Daegu Health College, Daeduk College, Daedong College, Daelim University College, Daewon University College, Daejeon Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon Health Institute of Technology, Dongkang College, Dongnam Health College, Dong-Pusan College, Dong-Seoul University, Dong-Ah Institute of Media and Arts, Dongyang Mirae University, Dongwon Institute of Science and Technology, Tongwon University, Dongeui Institute of Technology, Dong-ju College, Doowon Technical University College, Masan University, Myongji College, Munkyung College, Baewha Women's University, Baekseok Culture University, Paekche Institute of the Arts, Busan Kyungsang College, Busan Institute of Science and Technology, Busan Womens College, Bucheon University, Sahmyook Health University College, Sorabol College, Seoyeong University, Seoul Women's College of Nursing, Seoul Institute of the Arts, Seoil University, Seojeong College, Sohae College, Sunlin College, Suseong College, Suwon Science College, Suwon Women's University, Suncheon Jeil College, Soongeui Women's College, Shingu College, Shinsung University, Shin Ansan University, Ajou Motor College, Andong Science College, Ansan University, Yeoju Institute of Technology, Yeonsung University, Yonam Institute of Technology, Yonam College, Yeungnam University College, Yeungjin College, Osan University, Yong-In Songdam College, Woosong College, Ulsan College, Wonkwang Health Science University, Yuhan University, Induk College, Jei University, Inha Technical College, Jangan College, Chunnan Techno University, Jeonnam Provincial College, Jeonbuk Science College, Jeonju Kijeon College, Vision University, College of Jeonju, Cheju Tourism College, Cheju Halla University, Chosun Nursing College, Chosun Collegr of Science & Technology, Jinju Health College, Changwon Moonsung University, Chungkang College of Cultural Industries, Chenogam College, Choonhae College of Health Sciences, Chungnam State University, Chungbuk Health and Science College, ChungCheong University, Pohang College, Korea Golf University, Korea Tourism College, Korea National University of Welfare, Korea Lift College, Korea University of Media Arts, Hallym Polytechnic University, Hanyang Women's University, Hyejeon College, Hosan University * 学校名按韩国语字母排列顺序。
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Experience the benefits of a Korean university degree from anywhere in the world. Explore the attached guide for detailed information on how to enroll at Kyung Hee Cyber University for the Fall 2024 semester. About KHCU Since its establishment in 2001, Kyung Hee Cyber University (KHCU) has produced nearly 42,000 graduates, many of whom have advanced to graduate schools, pursuing master's or doctoral degrees. Currently, around 12,000 students are working towards their dreams in six schools, comprising eight departments and 36 majors, all under the prestigious 70-year Kyung Hee University System. Our online video lectures, delivered by renowned professors and online education experts, are designed and produced in six state-of-the-art studios, representing the highest standards of cyber education. Additionally, the library, PC laboratory, and Local Learning Centers facilitate offline learning, while various scholarships help many realize their aspirations. KHCU sets a prestigious global standard for cutting-edge content with advanced technologies, a robust academic curriculum, and an efficient administration system. Admission Period [1st] 2024. 06. 01(Sat) 10:00 ~ 2024. 07. 09(Tue) 21:00 [2nd] 2024. 07. 19(Fri) 10:00 ~ 2024. 08. 20(Tue) 21:00 Admission Process STEP 1. Choose Your Desired Major and Review Admission Requirements Please refer to the department information on the Admissions Center website (https://go.khcu.ac.kr) to select your desired major. STEP 2. Online Application and Payment of Application Fee Complete the application form on the Admissions Center website. International applicants and *those residing abroad are exempt from the application fee. STEP 3. Self-Introduction and Personality Test After completing the application, write a self-introduction for sharing you and your learning objectives and take the personality test. (Self-introduction 80% + Personality Test 20%) STEP 4. Submission of Admission Documents With submitting your application online, additional documents required for admission should be sent to us by mail.(Address : Admissions Team, Kyunghee Cyber University, 26 Kyungheedae-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, South Korea) STEP 5. Announcement of Admission Results The results will be announced through the Admissions Center website (https://go.khcu.ac.kr). STEP 6. Enrollment Complete the enrollment by paying the basic tuition fee. Log in to the Admissions Center website (https://go.khcu.ac.kr) with your applicant account to pay the basic tuition fee. The tuition fee is determined based on credits per semester. The basic tuition fee starts from 960,000 KRW(12credits x 80,000 KRW), and additional fees can be paid if the applied credits exceed the basic tuition fee. Admission Inquiry Submit the inquiry form below and explore more about KHCU. https://form.asana.com/?k=CE7of1DIOLn9ZpTvR2yyXw&d=5627475973989
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STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Vietnam (STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Vietnam)
FLY TO THE WORLD Hanseo University, which opened in 1992 based on the founding ideologies of “creativity,” 'belief,' and 'contribution,' will celebrate its 30th anniversary in 2022. As a result of doing our best for specialized education with the members of the university, we also earned the honor of being Korea's first specialized certified university (aviation field). Hanseo University, ranked as one of the world's top 5 aviation specialized universities, has successfully implemented the 5th university mid-to-long-term development plan (2014~2018) based on this, and as a result, has emerged as a prestigious university specialized in the fields of aviation, art design, and health. The key manpower of the airport industry that creatively builds the road to the world, the aviation industry and the gateway to the world, has their grand dream at'Han's International College of Aviation (HICA)' consisting of the Faculty of Aviation and the Faculty of Aviation Convergence. Thank you.
K스터디 (2건)
예·체능 Art and Physical Education 체육교육과 Physical Education 고려대-SK 첨단분야 석사과정 장학프로그램 (2025학년도 전기) KU-SK Global Scholarship Program for Spring 2025
예·체능 Art and Physical Education 디자인조형학부 Art & Design 고려대-SK 첨단분야 석사과정 장학프로그램 (2025학년도 전기) KU-SK Global Scholarship Program for Spring 2025
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Announcement: 258 universities can get financial support by the Government in 2017
2017년 정부 재정지원 가능 대학 258교 발표 고등교육법 제2조 제1호, 제2호, 제4호에 따른 일반대학, 산업대학, 전문대학 중 정부 재정지원이 가능한 대학의 명단이 다음과 같습니다. 구분 학교명 4년제(141개) 가야대학교, 가천대학교, 가톨릭관동대학교, 가톨릭대학교, 강남대학교, 강릉원주대학교, 강원대학교, 건국대학교, 건국대학교(글로컬), 건양대학교, 경기대학교, 경남과학기술대학교, 경남대학교, 경북대학교, 경상대학교, 경성대학교, 경운대학교, 경일대학교, 경희대학교, 계명대학교, 고려대학교, 고려대학교(세종), 고신대학교, 공주대학교, 광신대학교, 광운대학교, 광주대학교, 광주여자대학교, 국민대학교, 군산대학교, 금오공과대학교, 남부대학교, 남서울대학교, 단국대학교, 대구가톨릭대학교, 대구대학교, 대구한의대학교, 대전대학교, 대진대학교, 덕성여자대학교, 동국대학교, 동국대학교(경주), 동덕여자대학교, 동명대학교, 동서대학교, 동신대학교, 동아대학교, 동양대학교, 동의대학교, 명지대학교, 목원대학교, 목포가톨릭대학교, 목포대학교, 목포해양대학교, 배재대학교, 백석대학교, 부경대학교, 부산가톨릭대학교, 부산대학교, 부산외국어대학교, 부산장신대학교, 삼육대학교, 상명대학교, 상명대학교(천안), 서강대학교, 서경대학교, 서울과학기술대학교, 서울대학교, 서울시립대학교, 서울신학대학교, 서울여자대학교, 서원대학교, 선문대학교, 성결대학교, 성공회대학교, 성균관대학교, 성신여자대학교, 세명대학교, 세종대학교, 숙명여자대학교, 순천대학교, 순천향대학교, 숭실대학교, 신라대학교, 아주대학교, 안동대학교, 안양대학교, 연세대학교, 연세대학교(원주), 영남대학교, 영산대학교, 예수대학교, 우석대학교, 우송대학교, 울산대학교, 원광대학교, 위덕대학교, 이화여자대학교, 인제대학교, 인천대학교, 인하대학교, 전남대학교, 전북대학교, 전주대학교, 제주대학교, 조선대학교, 중앙대학교, 중원대학교, 창원대학교, 청운대학교, 초당대학교, 총신대학교, 충남대학교, 충북대학교, 평택대학교, 포항공과대학교, 한경대학교, 한국교통대학교, 한국국제대학교, 한국기술교육대학교, 한국산업기술대학교, 한국성서대학교, 한국외국어대학교, 한국체육대학교, 한국항공대학교, 한국해양대학교, 한남대학교, 한동대학교, 한라대학교, 한림대학교, 한밭대학교, 한서대학교, 한성대학교 한세대학교, 한신대학교, 한양대학교, 한양대학교(ERICA), 협성대학교, 호남대학교, 호서대학교, 홍익대학교 전문대 (117개) 가톨릭상지대학교, 강동대학교, 강릉영동대학교, 강원관광대학교, 거제대학교, 경기과학기술대학교, 경남도립거창대학, 경남도립남해대학, 경남정보대학교, 경민대학교, 경복대학교, 경북도립대학교, 경북보건대학교, 경북전문대학교, 경인여자대학교, 계명문화대학교, 계원예술대학교, 광주보건대학교, 구미대학교, 국제대학교, 군산간호대학교, 군장대학교, 기독간호대학교, 김포대학교, 대구공업대학교, 대구과학대학교, 대구보건대학교, 대덕대학교, 대동대학교, 대림대학교, 대원대학교, 대전과학기술대학교, 대전보건대학교, 동강대학교, 동남보건대학교, 동부산대학교, 동서울대학교, 동아방송예술대학교, 동양미래대학교, 동원과학기술대학교, 동원대학교, 동의과학대학교, 동주대학교, 두원공과대학교, 마산대학교, 명지전문대학, 문경대학교, 배화여자대학교, 백석문화대학교, 백제예술대학교, 부산경상대학교, 부산과학기술대학교, 부산여자대학교, 부천대학교, 삼육보건대학교, 서라벌대학교, 서영대학교, 서울여자간호대학교, 서울예술대학교, 서일대학교, 서정대학교, 서해대학교, 선린대학교, 수성대학교, 수원과학대학교, 수원여자대학교, 순천제일대학교, 숭의여자대학교, 신구대학교, 신성대학교, 신안산대학교, 아주자동차대학, 안동과학대학교, 안산대학교, 여주대학교, 연성대학교, 연암공과대학교, 연암대학교, 영남이공대학교, 영진전문대학, 오산대학교, 용인송담대학교, 우송정보대학, 울산과학대학교, 원광보건대학교, 유한대학교, 인덕대학교, 인천재능대학교, 인하공업전문대학, 장안대학교, 전남과학대학교, 전남도립대학교, 전북과학대학교, 전주기전대학, 전주비전대학교, 제주관광대학교, 제주한라대학교, 조선간호대학교, 조선이공대학교, 진주보건대학교, 창원문성대학교, 청강문화산업대학교, 청암대학교, 춘해보건대학교, 충남도립대학교, 충북보건과학대학교, 충청대학교, 포항대학교, 한국골프대학, 한국관광대학교, 한국복지대학교, 한국승강기대학교, 한국영상대학교, 한림성심대학교, 한양여자대학교, 혜전대학교, 호산대학교 * 대학명은 가나다 순임 Announcement: 258 universities can get financial support by the Government in 2017 Here is the list of universities and colleges in Korea that eligible to be granted financial support from the Government under the Higher Education Act; Article2-(1),(2) and (4). Classification Name of university University (141) Kaya University, Gachon University, Catholic Kwandong University, The Catholic University of Korea, Kangnam University, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Kangwon National University, Konkuk University, Konkuk University Glocal Campus, Konyang University, Kyonggi University, Gyeongnam National University of Science and Technology, Kyungnam University, Kyungpook National University, Gyeongsang National University, Kyungsung University, Kyungwoon University, Kyungil University, KyungHee University, Keimyung University, Korea University, Korea University Sejong Campus, Kosin University, Kongju National University, Kwangshin University, Kwangwoon University, Gwangju University, Kwangju Women's University, Kookmin University, Kunsan National University, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Nambu University, Namseoul University, Dankook University, Catholic University of Daegu, Daegu University, Daegu Haany University, Daejeon University, Daejin University, Duksung Women's University, Dongguk University, Dongguk University Gyeongju Campus, Dongduk Women's University, Tongmyong University, Dongseo University, Dongshin University, Dong-A University, Dongyang University, Dong-eui University, Myongji University Natural Science Campus, Mokwon University, Mokpo Catholic University, Mokpo National University, Mokpo National Maritime University, Paichai University, Baekseok University, Pukyong National University, Catholic University of Pusan, Pusan National University, Busan University of Foreign Studies, Busan Presbyterian University, Sahmyook University, Sangmyung University, Sangmyung University Cheonan Campus, Sogang University, Seokyeong University, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul National University, The University of Seoul, Seoul Theological University, Seoul Women's University, Seowon University, Sunmoon University, Sungkyul University, Sungkonghoe University, Sungkyunkwan University, Sungshin women's university, Semyung University, Sejong University, Sookmyung Women's University, Sunchon National University, Soonchunhyang University, Soongsil University, Silla University, Ajou University, Andong National University, Anyang University, Yonsei University, Yonsei University Wonju Campus, Yeungnam University, Youngsan University, Jesus University, Woosuk University, Woosong University, University of Ulsan, Wonkwang University, Uiduk University, Ewha Womans University, Inje University, Incheon National University, Inha University, Chonnam National University, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju University, Jeju National University, Chosun University, Chung-Ang University, Jungwon University, Changwon National University, Chungwoon University, Chodang University, Chongshin University, Chungnam National University, Chungbuk National University, Pyeongtaek University, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Hankyong National University, Korea National University of Transportation, International University of Korea, Korea University of Technology and Education, Korea Polytechnic University, Korean Bible University, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea National Sport University, Korea Aerospace University, Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Hannam University, Handong Global University, Halla University, Hallym University, Hanbat National University, Hanseo University, Hansung University, Hansei University, Hanshin University, Hanyang University, Hanyang University Erica Campus, Hyupsung University, Honam University, Hoseo University, Hongik University College (117) Catholic Sangji College, Gangdong College, Gangeung Yeongdong University, Kangwon Tourism College, Koje College, Gyeonggi College of Science and Technology, Gyeongnam Provincial Geochang College, Gyeongnam Provincial Namhae College, Kyungnam College of Information and Technology, Kyungmin College, Kyungbok University, Gyeongbuk Provincial College, Gyeongbuk College of Health, Kyungbuk College, Kyung-In Women's University, Keimyung College University, Kaywon University of Art & Design, Gwangju Health University, Kumi College, Kookje College, Kunsan College of Nursing, Kunjang University College, Christian College of Nursing, Kimpo College, Daegu Technical University, Taegu Science University, Daegu Health College, Daeduk College, Daedong College, Daelim University College, Daewon University College, Daejeon Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon Health Institute of Technology, Dongkang College, Dongnam Health College, Dong-Pusan College, Dong-Seoul University, Dong-Ah Institute of Media and Arts, Dongyang Mirae University, Dongwon Institute of Science and Technology, Tongwon University, Dongeui Institute of Technology, Dong-ju College, Doowon Technical University College, Masan University, Myongji College, Munkyung College, Baewha Women's University, Baekseok Culture University, Paekche Institute of the Arts, Busan Kyungsang College, Busan Institute of Science and Technology, Busan Womens College, Bucheon University, Sahmyook Health University College, Sorabol College, Seoyeong University, Seoul Women's College of Nursing, Seoul Institute of the Arts, Seoil University, Seojeong College, Sohae College, Sunlin College, Suseong College, Suwon Science College, Suwon Women's University, Suncheon Jeil College, Soongeui Women's College, Shingu College, Shinsung University, Shin Ansan University, Ajou Motor College, Andong Science College, Ansan University, Yeoju Institute of Technology, Yeonsung University, Yonam Institute of Technology, Yonam College, Yeungnam University College, Yeungjin College, Osan University, Yong-In Songdam College, Woosong College, Ulsan College, Wonkwang Health Science University, Yuhan University, Induk College, Jei University, Inha Technical College, Jangan College, Chunnan Techno University, Jeonnam Provincial College, Jeonbuk Science College, Jeonju Kijeon College, Vision University, College of Jeonju, Cheju Tourism College, Cheju Halla University, Chosun Nursing College, Chosun Collegr of Science & Technology, Jinju Health College, Changwon Moonsung University, Chungkang College of Cultural Industries, Chenogam College, Choonhae College of Health Sciences, Chungnam State University, Chungbuk Health and Science College, ChungCheong University, Pohang College, Korea Golf University, Korea Tourism College, Korea National University of Welfare, Korea Lift College, Korea University of Media Arts, Hallym Polytechnic University, Hanyang Women's University, Hyejeon College, Hosan University *The list is arranged in Korean alphabetical order. 2017年政府财政支援的大学名单公布(共258所) 按照高等教育法第二条的第一号、第二号、第四号,可政府财政支援的大学名单如下。 区分 区分 四年制(141所) Kaya University, Gachon University, Catholic Kwandong University, The Catholic University of Korea, Kangnam University, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Kangwon National University, Konkuk University, Konkuk University Glocal Campus, Konyang University, Kyonggi University, Gyeongnam National University of Science and Technology, Kyungnam University, Kyungpook National University, Gyeongsang National University, Kyungsung University, Kyungwoon University, Kyungil University, KyungHee University, Keimyung University, Korea University, Korea University Sejong Campus, Kosin University, Kongju National University, Kwangshin University, Kwangwoon University, Gwangju University, Kwangju Women's University, Kookmin University, Kunsan National University, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Nambu University, Namseoul University, Dankook University, Catholic University of Daegu, Daegu University, Daegu Haany University, Daejeon University, Daejin University, Duksung Women's University, Dongguk University, Dongguk University Gyeongju Campus, Dongduk Women's University, Tongmyong University, Dongseo University, Dongshin University, Dong-A University, Dongyang University, Dong-eui University, Myongji University Natural Science Campus, Mokwon University, Mokpo Catholic University, Mokpo National University, Mokpo National Maritime University, Paichai University, Baekseok University, Pukyong National University, Catholic University of Pusan, Pusan National University, Busan University of Foreign Studies, Busan Presbyterian University, Sahmyook University, Sangmyung University, Sangmyung University Cheonan Campus, Sogang University, Seokyeong University, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul National University, The University of Seoul, Seoul Theological University, Seoul Women's University, Seowon University, Sunmoon University, Sungkyul University, Sungkonghoe University, Sungkyunkwan University, Sungshin women's university, Semyung University, Sejong University, Sookmyung Women's University, Sunchon National University, Soonchunhyang University, Soongsil University, Silla University, Ajou University, Andong National University, Anyang University, Yonsei University, Yonsei University Wonju Campus, Yeungnam University, Youngsan University, Jesus University, Woosuk University, Woosong University, University of Ulsan, Wonkwang University, Uiduk University, Ewha Womans University, Inje University, Incheon National University, Inha University, Chonnam National University, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju University, Jeju National University, Chosun University, Chung-Ang University, Jungwon University, Changwon National University, Chungwoon University, Chodang University, Chongshin University, Chungnam National University, Chungbuk National University, Pyeongtaek University, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Hankyong National University, Korea National University of Transportation, International University of Korea, Korea University of Technology and Education, Korea Polytechnic University, Korean Bible University, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea National Sport University, Korea Aerospace University, Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Hannam University, Handong Global University, Halla University, Hallym University, Hanbat National University, Hanseo University, Hansung University, Hansei University, Hanshin University, Hanyang University, Hanyang University Erica Campus, Hyupsung University, Honam University, Hoseo University, Hongik University 专科大学(117所) Catholic Sangji College, Gangdong College, Gangeung Yeongdong University, Kangwon Tourism College, Koje College, Gyeonggi College of Science and Technology, Gyeongnam Provincial Geochang College, Gyeongnam Provincial Namhae College, Kyungnam College of Information and Technology, Kyungmin College, Kyungbok University, Gyeongbuk Provincial College, Gyeongbuk College of Health, Kyungbuk College, Kyung-In Women's University, Keimyung College University, Kaywon University of Art & Design, Gwangju Health University, Kumi College, Kookje College, Kunsan College of Nursing, Kunjang University College, Christian College of Nursing, Kimpo College, Daegu Technical University, Taegu Science University, Daegu Health College, Daeduk College, Daedong College, Daelim University College, Daewon University College, Daejeon Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon Health Institute of Technology, Dongkang College, Dongnam Health College, Dong-Pusan College, Dong-Seoul University, Dong-Ah Institute of Media and Arts, Dongyang Mirae University, Dongwon Institute of Science and Technology, Tongwon University, Dongeui Institute of Technology, Dong-ju College, Doowon Technical University College, Masan University, Myongji College, Munkyung College, Baewha Women's University, Baekseok Culture University, Paekche Institute of the Arts, Busan Kyungsang College, Busan Institute of Science and Technology, Busan Womens College, Bucheon University, Sahmyook Health University College, Sorabol College, Seoyeong University, Seoul Women's College of Nursing, Seoul Institute of the Arts, Seoil University, Seojeong College, Sohae College, Sunlin College, Suseong College, Suwon Science College, Suwon Women's University, Suncheon Jeil College, Soongeui Women's College, Shingu College, Shinsung University, Shin Ansan University, Ajou Motor College, Andong Science College, Ansan University, Yeoju Institute of Technology, Yeonsung University, Yonam Institute of Technology, Yonam College, Yeungnam University College, Yeungjin College, Osan University, Yong-In Songdam College, Woosong College, Ulsan College, Wonkwang Health Science University, Yuhan University, Induk College, Jei University, Inha Technical College, Jangan College, Chunnan Techno University, Jeonnam Provincial College, Jeonbuk Science College, Jeonju Kijeon College, Vision University, College of Jeonju, Cheju Tourism College, Cheju Halla University, Chosun Nursing College, Chosun Collegr of Science & Technology, Jinju Health College, Changwon Moonsung University, Chungkang College of Cultural Industries, Chenogam College, Choonhae College of Health Sciences, Chungnam State University, Chungbuk Health and Science College, ChungCheong University, Pohang College, Korea Golf University, Korea Tourism College, Korea National University of Welfare, Korea Lift College, Korea University of Media Arts, Hallym Polytechnic University, Hanyang Women's University, Hyejeon College, Hosan University * 学校名按韩国语字母排列顺序。 20160908182047
LG Global Challenger
LG Global Challenger」is the first and oldest overseas expedition program for undergraduates. Students freely choose the expedition theme and country, and visit 'world's excellent sites'. Since its first introduction in 1995, it became the major overseas expedition program most popular among university students with the competitive rate of 21:1 every year. Six expedition fields of 「LG Global Challenger」are Natural Science, Information Technology, Engineering, Economy · Management, Humanity · Social Science and Culture · Art · Gymnastics. The members of LG Global Challenger spend 2 weeks of their summer vacation according to each team's autonomous expedition plan participating in the exploration activity in government agencies, laboratories, universities, companies and social organizations that have the world's best knowledge and know-how. LG funds all the expenses during the expedition period including flight fee and expedition expenditures and also give scholarship after reviewing Challenger report students handed in after the program. Furthermore, to those teams that received grand prize, LG provides internship and even a job offer. Meanwhile, LG publishes students' expedition report into a book and distributes to universities and public libraries. LG also posts on the website of 「LG Global Challenger」 (www.lovegen.co.kr) so that students, companies, and government agencies could freely use it. LG Global Challenger expand its' opportunity to foreign students studying in Korea for its' 20th anniversary. 5 teams, 20 foreign students (4 students for 1 team) will be selected as LG Global Challenger and given the opportunity to explore freely in Korea. During 10 nights and 11 days, they can learn about technologies, cultures and systems that they want to benchmark to their country. As well as Korean students, “Global Prize” with some prize money and internship offer of LG group companies in Korea, will be given to a team of foreign students. 20140324093958
The Kwanjeong Scholarship for Chinese Young Leaders
' The Kwanjeong Scholarship for Chinese Young Leaders - Yonsei University As the oldest university in Korea, Yonsei University was established in 1885. Yonsei University is an institution of higher learning founded on the principles of Christian spirit and strives to educate a community of people who will contribute to the nation and humanity in the interests of truth and freedom. Yonsei University is proud of its long history as the leading institution of higher education in Korea, as well as its reputation as the most globalized university in Korea. - Yonsei GSIS: The Premier Professional School in Korea The Graduate School of International Studies (the GSIS), established in 1987, exemplifies Yonsei's revolutionary globalization efforts. It possesses a world-class faculty, expert administrative staff, and cutting-edge educational infrastructure, including state of the art information services. The GSIS offers Masters and PhD programs in English-based lectures; the programs are divided into 5 areas: Korean Studies, Area Studies, International Cooperation, International Trade and Finance, and International Management. All programs are operated in a professional post-graduate studies structure. - The Kwanjeong Educational Foundation The Kwanjeong Educational Foundation was established in June 2000 with private contributions from Chong-hwan Lee, founder and chairman of Samyoung Chemical Co., Ltd.. In April 2001, Kwanjeong Educational Foundation accumulated funds over 300 billion won, placing itself as the largest foundation for distribution of scholarships in South Korea. It is Chairman Lee's conviction that Korea's path to becoming a leading nation lies in cultivating capable individuals rather than merely accumulating capital. With this goal in mind, Chairman Lee has established the Kwanjeong Foundation through personal donations and contributions. Since its establishment, the Kwanjeong Educational Foundation has become a prominent institution for supporting and cultivating individuals, aiding approximately 1,000 scholarship recipients annually. The Kwanjeong Educational Foundation, based on its founding philosophy, has subsequently decided to establish “The Kwanjeong Scholarship for Chinese Young Leaders” at Yonsei's Graduate School of International Studies. The purpose of this scholarship is to support and cultivate potential promising Chinese students become leaders capable of promoting mutual development in the Northeast Asian region and make contributions to the international society. - Scholarship Description Benefits -4 million won per one academic semester Scholarship Duration - Up to two years Number of Recipients -30 students per one academic semester. (If applicants exceed 30, selection procedures will take place based on student merit and credentials) Eligibility 1) Chinese citizenship 2) Current or incoming student at Yonsei GSIS 3) Incoming students must have a PBT TOEFL score of over 600(CBT 250) and have acquired a D-2, student visa upon acceptance from Yonsei GSIS. 4) Current students must fulfill a minimum of 9 credits each semester and have a GPA over 3.3 / 4.3 from the previous semester. Application Period Incoming students: Application deadline for Yonsei GSIS (End of May for Fall Semester / End of November for Spring Semester) Current students: End of each semester Application Document Incoming students: Yonsei GSIS application, Scholarship application Current students: Academic transcript, Scholarship application (Scholarship application can be downloaded :application form) Selection Procedures Scholarship Committee of GSIS will review each application and report to supporting foundation upon making final decisions. Contact Information Scholarship Officer The Graduate School of International Studies, Yonsei University Seodaemoon-Ku, Shinchon-dong 134 Seoul, 120-749, Korea Tel) 82-2-2123-3292~4 Fax) 82-2-392-3321 Email) gsis@yonsei.ac.kr ' 20031001093711
Korean Studies in Britain in 2003
' - A well-established and steadily expanding presence in British academia - James E. Hoare, President, British Association for Korean Studies (jim@jhoare10.fsnet.co.uk) The annual meeting of the Korea-UK, UK-Korea Forum, held this year in Seoul on 25-26 April, provides a good opportunity to provide an update on Korean Studies. The main university centres for Korean Studies at the undergraduate level continue to be at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) at the University of London, the University of Sheffield, and the University of Oxford. In addition, Korean Studies are also found at the University of Durham, the University of Newcastle on Tyne, and the University of Cambridge, while individual scholars interested in Korea, and who include some aspects of Korean Studies in their programmes, can be found in many other universities and colleges. Among disciplines, apart from language studies, art history remains a popular subject. Security concerns on the Korean peninsula also attract much attention. The Korea Foundation has provided regular support to all aspects of Korean Studies in Britain. A new development is that as the numbers of Koreans living in Britain increases, more and more second generation Koreans are now taking an interest in Korean Studies, thus bringing Britain into line with trends in the United States, Australia and other countries where there are sizeable Korean communities. This growing community, with its newspapers, festivals and other activities, also provides increasing opportunities for all engaged in Korean Studies to experience more direct exposure to things Korean. Diverse Resources for Korean Studies Going beyond the formal academic institutions, Korean Studies are underpinned by the collections of Korean-related material in art galleries, libraries and archives. These include the Korea Foundation Gallery at the British Museum and the Samsung Gallery of Korean Art at the Victoria and Albert Museum, both of which go far beyond just staging exhibitions of artefacts from Korea. Both museums have professional staff qualified in Korean language and history. There are significant collections of Korean art in Cambridge and Durham, and other collections can also be found in several towns. Korea is well represented in the British Library's collection and many other British libraries and archives have important Korea-related material. Over the years, the Public Record Office_now the National Archives_has provided scholars of modern Korea with a rich source of information. The long-established Anglo-Korean Society, which aims to promote friendship between Britain and the Republic of Korea (ROK) has helped Korean Studies by occasionally offering a venue for talks and presentations, and by offering an annual bursary to students engaged in Korean Studies. This year, the internationally renowned British think-tank, the Royal Institute for International Affairs, has established a Korea Discussion Group, which joins long-established China and Japan discussion groups. BAKS, Increasing Members and Activities To provide a coordinating body for those interested in Korea, a group of scholars established the British Association for Korean Studies (BAKS) in 1983. After some early problems, it is now a flourishing society, with about 50-60 members, whose aim is to promote the study and understanding of Korea in the United Kingdom. The membership now includes not only academics but also a wide range of those with an interest in Korea. It holds regular conferences, workshops and study days. The most recent study day was in December 2002 at SOAS, on aspects of North Korea. The keynote speaker was the then ROK Ambassador to London, Dr. Ra Jong-il, who gave some philosophical reflections on studying North Korea. Other speakers dealt with the opening of the British Embassy in Pyeongyang, literature and film in North Korea, and the most recent British Library/British Museum visit to Pyeongyang. BAKS publishes a regular series of papers, based mostly on presentations made at the conferences and study days; volume 8 has just appeared, and volume 9, which will include some of the papers from the December 2002 study day, should also be published this year. The Korea Foundation, the ROK Embassy in London and the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office have all provided financial support for the publication of these papers. In addition, BAKS has a website at www.dur.ac.uk/BAKS, providing a round-up of information on the association's activities. BAKS is represented on the UK-Korea Forum; the BAKS president has for some years been invited to be a member of the Forum. As the current president, I was a member of the British team to the Seoul meeting. BAKS has close links with the British Association for Chinese Studies and the British Association for Japanese Studies. These three organisations have a small overlap in membership, and since the mid-1990s, they have held a joint seminar once every three years. At the last one, held in April 2001 at the University of Edinburgh, Korean Studies were very well represented. In addition, most of those in Britain who are professionally interested in Korean Studies are also members of the Association for Korean Studies in Europe (AKSE), and British scholars are well represented at AKSE's conferences. Korean Studies in Britain may never rival those in countries such as the United States. But they are now a well-established part of the British academic scene, and are steadily growing. ' 20030716102238
K취업 (1건)
Admission Guideline for Foreign Applicants(Kor/Eng)
Experience the benefits of a Korean university degree from anywhere in the world. Explore the attached guide for detailed information on how to enroll at Kyung Hee Cyber University for the Fall 2024 semester. About KHCU Since its establishment in 2001, Kyung Hee Cyber University (KHCU) has produced nearly 42,000 graduates, many of whom have advanced to graduate schools, pursuing master's or doctoral degrees. Currently, around 12,000 students are working towards their dreams in six schools, comprising eight departments and 36 majors, all under the prestigious 70-year Kyung Hee University System. Our online video lectures, delivered by renowned professors and online education experts, are designed and produced in six state-of-the-art studios, representing the highest standards of cyber education. Additionally, the library, PC laboratory, and Local Learning Centers facilitate offline learning, while various scholarships help many realize their aspirations. KHCU sets a prestigious global standard for cutting-edge content with advanced technologies, a robust academic curriculum, and an efficient administration system. Admission Period [1st] 2024. 06. 01(Sat) 10:00 ~ 2024. 07. 09(Tue) 21:00 [2nd] 2024. 07. 19(Fri) 10:00 ~ 2024. 08. 20(Tue) 21:00 Admission Process STEP 1. Choose Your Desired Major and Review Admission Requirements Please refer to the department information on the Admissions Center website (https://go.khcu.ac.kr) to select your desired major. STEP 2. Online Application and Payment of Application Fee Complete the application form on the Admissions Center website. International applicants and *those residing abroad are exempt from the application fee. STEP 3. Self-Introduction and Personality Test After completing the application, write a self-introduction for sharing you and your learning objectives and take the personality test. (Self-introduction 80% + Personality Test 20%) STEP 4. Submission of Admission Documents With submitting your application online, additional documents required for admission should be sent to us by mail.(Address : Admissions Team, Kyunghee Cyber University, 26 Kyungheedae-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, South Korea) STEP 5. Announcement of Admission Results The results will be announced through the Admissions Center website (https://go.khcu.ac.kr). STEP 6. Enrollment Complete the enrollment by paying the basic tuition fee. Log in to the Admissions Center website (https://go.khcu.ac.kr) with your applicant account to pay the basic tuition fee. The tuition fee is determined based on credits per semester. The basic tuition fee starts from 960,000 KRW(12credits x 80,000 KRW), and additional fees can be paid if the applied credits exceed the basic tuition fee. Admission Inquiry Submit the inquiry form below and explore more about KHCU. https://form.asana.com/?k=CE7of1DIOLn9ZpTvR2yyXw&d=5627475973989 20240516130524
유학박람회 (110건)
STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Vietnam (STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Vietnam)
FLY TO THE WORLD Hanseo University, which opened in 1992 based on the founding ideologies of “creativity,” 'belief,' and 'contribution,' will celebrate its 30th anniversary in 2022. As a result of doing our best for specialized education with the members of the university, we also earned the honor of being Korea's first specialized certified university (aviation field). Hanseo University, ranked as one of the world's top 5 aviation specialized universities, has successfully implemented the 5th university mid-to-long-term development plan (2014~2018) based on this, and as a result, has emerged as a prestigious university specialized in the fields of aviation, art design, and health. The key manpower of the airport industry that creatively builds the road to the world, the aviation industry and the gateway to the world, has their grand dream at'Han's International College of Aviation (HICA)' consisting of the Faculty of Aviation and the Faculty of Aviation Convergence. Thank you.
STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Vietnam (STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Vietnam)
Are you interested in acquiring Bachelor's Degree through online courses? or learning Korean language and becoming Korean language teachers? Kyung Hee Cyber University will be an answer. Established in 2001, Kyung Hee Cyber University(KHCU) is an online university under Kyung Hee University System. KHCU are currently operating 37 departments in IT, humanities, healthcare, social welfare, art sports, languages areas etc. We have Department of Korean Language Studies specialized for foreigners, and students can acquire Korean language skills equivalent to TOPIK level 4 after graduation. If you are interested in becoming Korean language teachers, majoring in Korean Language & Cultural will be helpful. All the lectures and exams are made on online, so you don't have to worry about visa issues. All lectures of 'Dept. of Korean Language Studies for Foreigners' are proceeded in ONLY KOREAN, but you can learn Korean from basic step.
STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Vietnam (STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Vietnam)
Honam University was founded in 1978. It has since rapidly grown into a prestigious regional institution of higher education with 6 colleges consisting of 41 departments, and 4 graduate schools. With more than 600 academic staff, HU provides a comprehensive service to assist about 9,400 students including 1,800 international students in its strive to build a 'World Class' University. HU has offered its students the top educational conditions, such as full scholarships and the state-of-the-art facilities and equipment. It continues to expand the education system, study programs and welfare facilities. International students are provided with an enhanced variety of events, Korean cultural experiences, and Gwangju history.
STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Vietnam (STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Vietnam)
DGIST is a young but rapidly growing science and engineering university. DGIST is already ranked as one of top 100 in the world in the recent normalized Nature index ranking. This new university pursues research and discovery that benefits the public goods and assumes major responsibility for economic, social vitality and well-being of community and world. DGIST's cutting-edge education and research is possible thanks to professors and researchers with worldly competitiveness and state-of-the-art research facilities. DGIST's research activities are possible with public and private research grants. Financial support is fully available for domestic and international researchers, graduate students, and undergraduate students participating in research. We invite you to join us to change the world at DGIST. “Innovative University Changing the World through Convergence.”
STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Ukraine (STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Ukraine)
FLY TO THE WORLD Hanseo University, which opened in 1992 based on the founding ideologies of “creativity,” 'belief,' and 'contribution,' will celebrate its 30th anniversary in 2022. As a result of doing our best for specialized education with the members of the university, we also earned the honor of being Korea's first specialized certified university (aviation field). Hanseo University, ranked as one of the world's top 5 aviation specialized universities, has successfully implemented the 5th university mid-to-long-term development plan (2014~2018) based on this, and as a result, has emerged as a prestigious university specialized in the fields of aviation, art design, and health. The key manpower of the airport industry that creatively builds the road to the world, the aviation industry and the gateway to the world, has their grand dream at'Han's International College of Aviation (HICA)' consisting of the Faculty of Aviation and the Faculty of Aviation Convergence. Thank you.
STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Ukraine (STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Ukraine)
DGIST is a young but rapidly growing science and engineering university. DGIST is already ranked as one of top 100 in the world in the recent normalized Nature index ranking. This new university pursues research and discovery that benefits the public goods and assumes major responsibility for economic, social vitality and well-being of community and world. DGIST's cutting-edge education and research is possible thanks to professors and researchers with worldly competitiveness and state-of-the-art research facilities. DGIST's research activities are possible with public and private research grants. Financial support is fully available for domestic and international researchers, graduate students, and undergraduate students participating in research. We invite you to join us to change the world at DGIST. “Innovative University Changing the World through Convergence.”
STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Brazil (STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Brazil)
FLY TO THE WORLD Hanseo University, which opened in 1992 based on the founding ideologies of “creativity,” 'belief,' and 'contribution,' will celebrate its 30th anniversary in 2022. As a result of doing our best for specialized education with the members of the university, we also earned the honor of being Korea's first specialized certified university (aviation field). Hanseo University, ranked as one of the world's top 5 aviation specialized universities, has successfully implemented the 5th university mid-to-long-term development plan (2014~2018) based on this, and as a result, has emerged as a prestigious university specialized in the fields of aviation, art design, and health. The key manpower of the airport industry that creatively builds the road to the world, the aviation industry and the gateway to the world, has their grand dream at'Han's International College of Aviation (HICA)' consisting of the Faculty of Aviation and the Faculty of Aviation Convergence. Thank you.
STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Brazil (STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Brazil)
DGIST is a young but rapidly growing science and engineering university. DGIST is already ranked as one of top 100 in the world in the recent normalized Nature index ranking. This new university pursues research and discovery that benefits the public goods and assumes major responsibility for economic, social vitality and well-being of community and world. DGIST's cutting-edge education and research is possible thanks to professors and researchers with worldly competitiveness and state-of-the-art research facilities. DGIST's research activities are possible with public and private research grants. Financial support is fully available for domestic and international researchers, graduate students, and undergraduate students participating in research. We invite you to join us to change the world at DGIST. “Innovative University Changing the World through Convergence.”
STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Brazil (STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Brazil)
Are you interested in acquiring Bachelor's Degree through online courses? or learning Korean language and becoming Korean language teachers? Kyung Hee Cyber University will be an answer. Established in 2001, Kyung Hee Cyber University(KHCU) is an online university under Kyung Hee University System. KHCU are currently operating 37 departments in IT, humanities, healthcare, social welfare, art sports, languages areas etc. We have Department of Korean Language Studies specialized for foreigners, and students can acquire Korean language skills equivalent to TOPIK level 4 after graduation. If you are interested in becoming Korean language teachers, majoring in Korean Language & Cultural will be helpful. All the lectures and exams are made on online, so you don't have to worry about visa issues. All lectures of 'Dept. of Korean Language Studies for Foreigners' are proceeded in ONLY KOREAN, but you can learn Korean from basic step.
STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Paraguay (STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Paraguay)
FLY TO THE WORLD Hanseo University, which opened in 1992 based on the founding ideologies of “creativity,” 'belief,' and 'contribution,' will celebrate its 30th anniversary in 2022. As a result of doing our best for specialized education with the members of the university, we also earned the honor of being Korea's first specialized certified university (aviation field). Hanseo University, ranked as one of the world's top 5 aviation specialized universities, has successfully implemented the 5th university mid-to-long-term development plan (2014~2018) based on this, and as a result, has emerged as a prestigious university specialized in the fields of aviation, art design, and health. The key manpower of the airport industry that creatively builds the road to the world, the aviation industry and the gateway to the world, has their grand dream at'Han's International College of Aviation (HICA)' consisting of the Faculty of Aviation and the Faculty of Aviation Convergence. Thank you.
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