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2025 Global Korea Scholarship for Undergraduate Degrees / 2025년 정부초청 외국인 학부 장학생 모집 요강
In 2025, Korean Government's Global Korea Scholarship program aims to invite international students who wish to purse undergraduate degrees in Korea. [Embassy Track] Korean government invites 87* international students. * - General: 71 scholars - Overseas Koreans: 7 scholars - IRTS: 9 scholars ※ IRTS: International Reconstruction Talent Scholarship (Ukrainian only) In accordance with the Korea-Ukraine MOU, the Ukrainian government will conduct the first round of selection for IRTS. [University Track] Korean government invites 280* international students. * - R-GKS: 80 scholars - Associate Degree: 100 scholars - UIC Program: 100 scholars ※ UIC: University Industry Cooperation [Embassy Track & University Track] Applicants must apply either to a Korean Embassy where they hold citizenship (embassy track) or directly to one of the designated universities (university track). Please contact the first round of selection organizations(embassy or university) to get detailed information regarding the application submission such as application deadline, required documents, interview and etc. Application submission deadline may differ by each embassy or university that conducts the first round of selection. Please refer to the attached file for the application guidelines and university information, and more. * The 2025 GKS-U FAQ will be added soon. Best regards, GKS center 안녕하십니까, 2025년 정부초청 외국인 학부 장학생 모집 요강 및 관련 자료들을 공지하오니, 지원에 참고해 주시기 바랍니다. 지원서 접수 마감기한, 추가 제출 서류, 면접 절차 등과 관련한 지원 관련 질문은 1차 심사를 담당하는 각 대사관 혹은 대학으로 문의해 주시기 바랍니다. 각 대사관 혹은 대학에 따라 지원 서류 구비 조건, 지원 접수 마감 시기 및 일정은 다를 수 있음을 유의해 주시기 바랍니다. 모집 요강, 지원 가능한 대학 및 학과 목록은 첨부된 파일을 참고해 주시기 바랍니다. * 2025 GKS-U FAQ는 곧 공지될 예정입니다. 감사합니다. 국제장학센터
K라이프 (5건)
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2015 Korean Government Scholarship Program for International Students for an Undergraduate Degree
2015 Korean Government Scholarship Program for International Students for an Undergraduate Degree Korean government invites 110 international students from 64 countries who wish to pursue a bachelor's degree in Korea. To be selected as a KGSP grantee, any applicant should successfully pass through the 1st selection process set by the Korean embassies of his or her origin. So to apply for the program, please contact the 1st selection organizations to get detailed information on the 1st selection process such as application deadline and required documents, etc. *Application deadline may differ from one country to another; it will be expected to fall in September or early October. As for the application guideline and FAQ(frequently asked question), please refer to the attached files. Wish you all good luck! GKS invitation team
유학박람회 (29건)
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Study in Korea Education fair with Local Governments (Study in Korea Education fair with Local Governments)
Sunchon is the largest city in Jeonnam Province, called the Korea's Ecological capital and is known as a cultural city with a history and tradition of Korea. It is right next to Gwangyang Port, which is the logistics hub of Northeast Asia in the 21st century, and Yeosu, which has a blue and crystal clear sea.
· Reasonable tuition fee(about $1,700 / other private universities' average $3,300) · The only national university in the eastern part of Jeonnam province, with over 10,000 undergraduate students and 1,000 graduate students · Abundant Scholarships(70% of students are awarded) · Various supporting programs for International students · TOPIK examination center and GKS degree university(Undergraduate, Graduate)
K스터디 (0건)
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장학금 (64건)
2025 Global Korea Scholarship for Undergraduate Degrees / 2025년 정부초청 외국인 학부 장학생 모집 요강
In 2025, Korean Government's Global Korea Scholarship program aims to invite international students who wish to purse undergraduate degrees in Korea. [Embassy Track] Korean government invites 87* international students. * - General: 71 scholars - Overseas Koreans: 7 scholars - IRTS: 9 scholars ※ IRTS: International Reconstruction Talent Scholarship (Ukrainian only) In accordance with the Korea-Ukraine MOU, the Ukrainian government will conduct the first round of selection for IRTS. [University Track] Korean government invites 280* international students. * - R-GKS: 80 scholars - Associate Degree: 100 scholars - UIC Program: 100 scholars ※ UIC: University Industry Cooperation [Embassy Track & University Track] Applicants must apply either to a Korean Embassy where they hold citizenship (embassy track) or directly to one of the designated universities (university track). Please contact the first round of selection organizations(embassy or university) to get detailed information regarding the application submission such as application deadline, required documents, interview and etc. Application submission deadline may differ by each embassy or university that conducts the first round of selection. Please refer to the attached file for the application guidelines and university information, and more. * The 2025 GKS-U FAQ will be added soon. Best regards, GKS center 안녕하십니까, 2025년 정부초청 외국인 학부 장학생 모집 요강 및 관련 자료들을 공지하오니, 지원에 참고해 주시기 바랍니다. 지원서 접수 마감기한, 추가 제출 서류, 면접 절차 등과 관련한 지원 관련 질문은 1차 심사를 담당하는 각 대사관 혹은 대학으로 문의해 주시기 바랍니다. 각 대사관 혹은 대학에 따라 지원 서류 구비 조건, 지원 접수 마감 시기 및 일정은 다를 수 있음을 유의해 주시기 바랍니다. 모집 요강, 지원 가능한 대학 및 학과 목록은 첨부된 파일을 참고해 주시기 바랍니다. * 2025 GKS-U FAQ는 곧 공지될 예정입니다. 감사합니다. 국제장학센터 20240910181612
2024 GKS-U Final Result Announcement
Dear 2024 GKS-U Candidates, NIIED is excited to announce the result of the selection for the 2024 Global Korea Scholarship for Undergraduate Degrees. Please refer to the attached file named "2024 GKS-U Final Round Successful Candidates". If your name is listed in the file, we ask ALL FINAL SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES to read the attached file named "Important Notice for 2024 GKS-U Scholars" and follow the instructions accordingly in preparations for your arrival to Korea. Huge congratulations and we look forward to seeing you in Korea soon! Sincerely, Global Korea Scholarship Center, NIIED 2024 정부초청외국인 학부 과정 지원자 여러분께, 2024 정부초청외국인 학부 프로그램의 최종 합격자 명단을 발표합니다. 첨부된 "2024 GKS-U Final Round Successful Candidates" 파일을 통해 최종합격자 명단을 확인해 주시기 바랍니다. 본인의 이름이 명단에 포함되어 있다면 함께 첨부된 "Important Notice for 2024 GKS-U Scholars" 파일을 읽고 안내에 따라 입국을 준비해 주시기 바랍니다. 합격하신 모든 분들께 진심으로 축하의 마음을 전합니다. 곧 한국에서 뵙겠습니다! 국립국제교육원 국제장학센터 드림 20240112165314
GKS 우수 자비 유학생 장학 사업 종료 안내
GKS 장학 사업 개편으로 인해 우수 자비 유학생 장학 사업이 2023년 12월부터 종료됨에 따라, 2024년부터 장학생 선발을 더 이상 진행하지 않음을 안내드립니다. 그동안 우수 자비 유학생 장학 사업에 보내주신 많은 관심에 감사드립니다. ※ GKS-Undergraduate/GKS-Graduate 장학사업 및 정부초청 외국인 학위과정 장학생 선발과정은 계속 진행되오니 착오 없으시길 바랍니다. (우수 자비 유학생 장학 사업과 달리 사업종료 예정 없음.) 국립국제교육원 국제장학센터 20240105154804
[University Track-2nd Round Result] 2024 GKS Undergraduate Degree Program
Dear University Track Applicants of 2024 GKS Undergraduate Degree Program, We greatly appreciate your interest and thank you for your time and effort in applying to the GKS program. For those of you who have been waiting patiently for the results of the 2nd round selection, please refer to the attached file. Only the names of the candidates who were selected are listed in the file. Please note that all 2nd round selected candidates MUST read the attached "2024 GKS-U Important Notice for Successful Candidates of 2nd Round Selection (Univ. Track)" thoroughly and take actions accordingly. The announcement of 2024 GKS Undergraduate Degree Final Successful Candidates (both Embassy and University Track) will be released in mid-January. Sincerely, Global Korea Scholarship Center, NIIED 2024 정부초청 외국인 학부 장학생 프로그램 대학전형 지원자 여러분께, GKS 프로그램에 관심을 가져주시고 많은 노력을 들여 지원해주신 모든 분들께 진심으로 감사를 드립니다. 대학전형 2차 심사 결과를 첨부파일로 공지드립니다. 심사 결과는 2차심사 합격자 분들의 명단만 공지하고 있습니다. 명단에 포함된 모든 합격자 분들은 함께 첨부된 "2024 GKS-U Important Notice for Successful Candidates of 2nd Round Selection (Univ. Track)" 파일의 내용을 확인하셔서 안내에 따라주시기 바랍니다. 공관 및 대학전형의 최종합격자 발표는 1월 중순 공지될 예정입니다. 감사합니다. 국립국제교육원 국제장학센터 드림 20231222180202
2024년 한일 공동 고등교육 유학생 교류사업 학부 1년 과정 합격자 공고(Final Result Announcement for 2024 Korea-Japan Government Scholarship<1year undergraudate>)
2024년 한일 공동 고등교육 유학생 교류사업 학부 1년 과정에 대한 관심과 지원에 감사드리며, 최종 합격자 명단을 공지합니다. <첨부파일 확인> 명단에 포함된 합격자 분들에게 합격 이후 절차 등의 안내사항을 지원 시 작성한 이메일 주소로 발송 드릴 예정이오니, 주기적으로 이메일을 확인하여 주시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다. 국립국제교육원 국제장학센터 Dear Candidates, Thank you for the big interest in the Korea-Japan Government Scholarship. NIIED is excited to announce the final result of the selection for the 2024 Korea-Japan Government Scholarship for 1 Year Undergraduate Program. Please check the attached files and we will send details of next procedure to the successful candidates via email, so please frequently check email. Regards, GKS Center, NIIED 20231220171519
[Embassy Track-2nd Round Result] 2024 GKS Undergraduate Degree Program
Dear 2024 GKS Undergraduate Degree Program Embassy Track Applicants, Thank you for submitting your applications to our GKS (Korean Government Scholarship) Program. We greatly appreciate the efforts and care that went into your applications. We are announcing the results of the 2nd round selection of the embassy track. Please open the attached file to view the result. All the successful candidates MUST read the "2024 GKS-G Important Notice for Successful Candidates of the 2nd Round Selection" and take actions accordingly. Sincerely, Global Korea Scholarship Center, NIIED 20231122111852
2024 Global Korea Scholarship for Undergraduate Degrees / 2024년 정부초청외국인 학부 장학생 모집 요강
In 2024, Korean Government's Global Korea Scholarship program aims to invite international students who wish to purse undergraduate degrees in Korea. [Embassy Track] Korean government invites 86* international students. * - General: 79 scholars - Overseas Koreans: 7 scholars [University Track] Korean government invites 176* international students. * - Regional University: 86 scholars - Associate Degree : 30 scholars - UIC Program: 60 scholars [Embassy Track & University Track] Applicants must apply either to a Korean Embassy where they hold citizenship (embassy track) or directly to one of the designated universities (university track). Please contact the first ground of selection organizations(embassy or university) to get detailed information regarding the application submission such as application deadline, required documents, interview and etc. Application submission deadline may differ by each embassy or university that conducts the first round of selection. Best regards, GKS center 안녕하십니까, 이번 정부초청 외국인 학부 장학생 선발에 앞서 모집요강 및 관련 자료들을 공지하오니, 지원에 참고해 주시기 바랍니다. 지원서 접수 마감기한, 추가 제출 서류, 면접 절차 등과 관련한 지원 관련 질문은 1차 심사를 담당하는 각 대사관 혹은 대학으로 문의해 주시기 바랍니다. 각 대사관 혹은 대학에 따라 지원서류 구비 조건, 지원접수 마감 시기 및 일정은 다를 수 있음을 유의해 주시기 바랍니다. 모집 요강, 지원 가능한 대학 및 학과 목록은 첨부된 파일을 참고해 주시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다. 국립국제교육원 국제장학센터 드림 20230911151124
2023 GKS-U Final Result Announcement
Dear 2023 GKS-U Candidates, NIIED is excited to announce the result of the selection for the 2023 Global Korea Scholarship for Undergraduate Degrees. Please refer to the attached file named "2023 GKS-U Final Round Successful Candidates". If your name is listed in the file, we ask ALL FINAL SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES to read the attached file named "Important Notice for 2023 GKS-U Scholars" and follow the instructions accordingly in preparations for your arrival to Korea. Huge congratulations and we look forward to seeing you in Korea soon! Sincerely, Global Korea Scholarship Center, NIIED 2023 정부초청외국인 학부 과정 지원자 여러분께, 2023 정부초청외국인 학부 프로그램의 최종 합격자 명단을 발표합니다. 첨부된 "2023 GKS-U Final Round Successful Candidates" 파일을 통해 최종합격자 명단을 확인해 주시기 바랍니다. 본인의 이름이 명단에 포함되어 있다면 함께 첨부된 "Important Notice for 2023 GKS-U Scholars" 파일을 읽고 안내에 따라 입국을 준비해 주시기 바랍니다. 합격하신 모든 분들께 진심으로 축하의 마음을 전합니다. 곧 한국에서 뵙겠습니다! 국립국제교육원 국제장학센터 드림 20221230102712
2023년 한일 공동 고등교육 유학생 교류사업 합격자 공고(Final Result Announcement for 2023 Korea-Japan Government Scholarship)
2023년 한일 공동 고등교육 유학생 교류사업에 대한 관심과 지원에 감사드리며, 최종 합격자 명단을 공지하오니 첨부파일을 확인해주시기 바랍니다. 명단에 포함된 합격자 분들에게 합격 이후 절차 등 안내사항을 지원 시 작성한 이메일 주소로 발송드릴 예정이오니, 주기적으로 이메일을 확인해 주시길 바랍니다. 감사합니다. 국립국제교육원 국제장학센터 Dear Candidates, Thank you for the big interest in the Korea-Japan Government Scholarship. NIIED is excited to announce the final result of the selection for the 2023 Korea-Japan Government Scholarship for 1 Year Undergraduate Program and Graduate Degrees. Please check the attached files and we will send details of next procedure to the successful candidates via email, so please frequently check email. Regards, GKS Center, NIIED 20221219152047
[University Track-2nd Round Result] 2023 GKS Undergraduate Degree Program
Dear University Track Applicants of 2023 GKS Undergraduate Degree Program, We greatly appreciate your interest and thank you for your time and effort in applying to the GKS program. For those of you who have been waiting patiently for the results of the 2nd round selection, please refer to the attached file. Only the names of the candidates who were selected are listed in the file. Please note that all 2nd round selected candidates MUST read the attached "2023 GKS-U Important Notice for Successful Candidates of 2nd Round Selection (Univ. Track)" thoroughly and take actions accordingly. The announcement of 2023 GKS Undergraduate Degree Final Successful Candidates (both Embassy and University Track) will be released in late-December. Sincerely, Global Korea Scholarship Center, NIIED !! Medical examination that was conducted within the last three months will be accepted. !! Official Medical Examination does not need to be authenticated. Please scan your original report and send it to us in a pdf file. However, if the documents issued by the hospital is written in a language other than English or Korean, please highlight the keywords that corresponds to each field in section 2~4. You can simply translate the words or phrases you highlighted in English. Certified translation is not necessary. 2023 정부초청 외국인 학부 장학생 프로그램 대학전형 지원자 여러분께, GKS 프로그램에 관심을 가져주시고 많은 노력을 들여 지원해주신 모든 분들께 진심으로 감사를 드립니다. 대학전형 2차 심사 결과를 첨부파일로 공지드립니다. 심사 결과는 2차심사 합격자 분들의 명단만 공지하고 있습니다. 명단에 포함된 모든 합격자 분들은 함께 첨부된 "2023 GKS-U Important Notice for Successful Candidates of 2nd Round Selection (Univ. Track)" 파일의 내용을 확인하셔서 안내에 따라주시기 바랍니다. 공관 및 대학전형의 최종합격자 발표는 12월 마지막 주에 공지될 예정입니다. 감사합니다. 국립국제교육원 국제장학센터 드림 20221206152143
장학금 (0건)
검색결과가 없습니다.
K라이프 (5건)
2015 Korean Government Scholarship Program for International Students for an Undergraduate Degree
2015 Korean Government Scholarship Program for International Students for an Undergraduate Degree Korean government invites 110 international students from 64 countries who wish to pursue a bachelor's degree in Korea. To be selected as a KGSP grantee, any applicant should successfully pass through the 1st selection process set by the Korean embassies of his or her origin. So to apply for the program, please contact the 1st selection organizations to get detailed information on the 1st selection process such as application deadline and required documents, etc. *Application deadline may differ from one country to another; it will be expected to fall in September or early October. As for the application guideline and FAQ(frequently asked question), please refer to the attached files. Wish you all good luck! GKS invitation team 20140901121421
GKS_Application_Manual(undergraduate)_v20131104 20131031172317
2014 Korean Government Scholarship Program for International Students for an Undergraduate Degree
Korean government invites 110 international students from 62 countries who wish to pursue a bachelor's degree in Korea. To be selected as a KGSP grantee, any applicant should successfully pass through the 1st selection process set by the Korean embassies of his or her origin. So to apply for the program, please contact the 1st selection organizations to get detailed information on the 1st selection process such as application deadline and required documents, etc. *Application deadline may differ from one country to another; it will be expected to fall in September or early October. As for the application guideline and FAQ(frequently asked question), please refer to the attached files. Wish you all good luck! GKS invitation team 20130902160103
2013 정부초청외국인학부장학생 프로그램의 2차 선발 전형 결과 발표 안내
NOTICE Dear 2013 KGSP-UNDERGRADUATE applicants, We inform that the announcement of the result of the 2nd selection will be made at 18:00 (November, 27), local time on the following sites; 1. www.gks.go.kr – (English version) - Announcement - NOTICE 2. www.niied.go.kr - (English version) - Korean Government Scholarship Students - NOTICE It will be appreciated if you refrain yourself from giving us a direct call. Thank you for your cooperation in advance. 2013 정부초청외국인학부장학생 프로그램의 2차 선발 전형 결과가 현지 시각으로 오늘(11.27) 18:00시에 아래 사이트에 게재될 예정이니, 전화문의를 자제하여 주시면 고맙겠습니다. 여러분의 협조를 부탁 드립니다. 1. www.gks.go.kr – (English version) - Announcement - NOTICE 2. www.niied.go.kr - (English version) - Korean Government Scholarship Students - NOTICE KGSP TEAM 20121126180854
Dear 2013 KGSP-UNDERGRADUATE applicants
NOTICE Dear 2013 KGSP-UNDERGRADUATE applicants, We inform that the announcement of the result of the 2nd selection will be made at 18:00 (November, 27), local time on the following sites; 1. www.gks.go.kr – (English version) - Announcement - NOTICE 2. www.niied.go.kr - (English version) - Korean Government Scholarship Students - NOTICE It will be appreciated if you refrain yourself from giving us a direct call. Thank you for your cooperation in advance. 2013 정부초청외국인학부장학생 프로그램의 2차 선발 전형 결과가 현지 시각으로 오늘(11.27) 18:00시에 아래 사이트에 게재될 예정이니, 전화 문의를 자제하여 주시면 고맙겠습니다. 여러분의 협조를 부탁 드립니다. 1. www.gks.go.kr – (English version) - Announcement - NOTICE 2. www.niied.go.kr - (English version) - Korean Government Scholarship Students - NOTICE KGSP TEAM 20121126175452
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유학박람회 (29건)
Study in Korea Education fair with Local Governments (Study in Korea Education fair with Local Governments)
Sunchon is the largest city in Jeonnam Province, called the Korea's Ecological capital and is known as a cultural city with a history and tradition of Korea. It is right next to Gwangyang Port, which is the logistics hub of Northeast Asia in the 21st century, and Yeosu, which has a blue and crystal clear sea.
· Reasonable tuition fee(about $1,700 / other private universities' average $3,300) · The only national university in the eastern part of Jeonnam province, with over 10,000 undergraduate students and 1,000 graduate students · Abundant Scholarships(70% of students are awarded) · Various supporting programs for International students · TOPIK examination center and GKS degree university(Undergraduate, Graduate)
Study in Korea Education Fair Taiwan 2023 (Study in Korea Education Fair Taiwan 2023)
Sunchon is the largest city in Jeonnam Province, called the Korea's Ecological capital and is known as a cultural city with a history and tradition of Korea. It is right next to Gwangyang Port, which is the logistics hub of Northeast Asia in the 21st century, and Yeosu, which has a blue and crystal clear sea.
· Reasonable tuition fee(about $1,700 / other private universities' average $3,300) · The only national university in the eastern part of Jeonnam province, with over 10,000 undergraduate students and 1,000 graduate students · Abundant Scholarships(70% of students are awarded) · Various supporting programs for International students · TOPIK examination center and GKS degree university(Undergraduate, Graduate)
Study in Korea Education Fair 2023(Latin America) (Study in Korea Education Fair 2023(Latin America))
Sunchon is the largest city in Jeonnam Province, called the Korea's Ecological capital and is known as a cultural city with a history and tradition of Korea. It is right next to Gwangyang Port, which is the logistics hub of Northeast Asia in the 21st century, and Yeosu, which has a blue and crystal clear sea.
· Reasonable tuition fee(about $1,700 / other private universities' average $3,300) · The only national university in the eastern part of Jeonnam province, with over 10,000 undergraduate students and 1,000 graduate students · Abundant Scholarships(70% of students are awarded) · Various supporting programs for International students · TOPIK examination center and GKS degree university(Undergraduate, Graduate)
Study in Korea Education Fair Uzbekistan 2023 (Study in Korea Education Fair Uzbekistan 2023)
Sunchon is the largest city in Jeonnam Province, called the Korea's Ecological capital and is known as a cultural city with a history and tradition of Korea. It is right next to Gwangyang Port, which is the logistics hub of Northeast Asia in the 21st century, and Yeosu, which has a blue and crystal clear sea.
· Reasonable tuition fee(about $1,700 / other private universities' average $3,300) · The only national university in the eastern part of Jeonnam province, with over 10,000 undergraduate students and 1,000 graduate students · Abundant Scholarships(70% of students are awarded) · Various supporting programs for International students · TOPIK examination center and GKS degree university(Undergraduate, Graduate)
Study in Korea Education Fair Mongolia 2023 (Study in Korea Education Fair Mongolia 2023)
Sunchon is the largest city in Jeonnam Province, called the Korea's Ecological capital and is known as a cultural city with a history and tradition of Korea. It is right next to Gwangyang Port, which is the logistics hub of Northeast Asia in the 21st century, and Yeosu, which has a blue and crystal clear sea.
· Reasonable tuition fee(about $1,700 / other private universities' average $3,300) · The only national university in the eastern part of Jeonnam province, with over 10,000 undergraduate students and 1,000 graduate students · Abundant Scholarships(70% of students are awarded) · Various supporting programs for International students · TOPIK examination center and GKS degree university(Undergraduate, Graduate)
Study in Korea Education Fair Japan 2023 (Study in Korea Education Fair Japan 2023)
Sunchon is the largest city in Jeonnam Province, called the Korea's Ecological capital and is known as a cultural city with a history and tradition of Korea. It is right next to Gwangyang Port, which is the logistics hub of Northeast Asia in the 21st century, and Yeosu, which has a blue and crystal clear sea.
· Reasonable tuition fee(about $1,700 / other private universities' average $3,300) · The only national university in the eastern part of Jeonnam province, with over 10,000 undergraduate students and 1,000 graduate students · Abundant Scholarships(70% of students are awarded) · Various supporting programs for International students · TOPIK examination center and GKS degree university(Undergraduate, Graduate)
Study in Korea Education Fair Malaysia 2023 (Study in Korea Education Fair Malaysia 2023)
Sunchon is the largest city in Jeonnam Province, called the Korea's Ecological capital and is known as a cultural city with a history and tradition of Korea. It is right next to Gwangyang Port, which is the logistics hub of Northeast Asia in the 21st century, and Yeosu, which has a blue and crystal clear sea.
· Reasonable tuition fee(about $1,700 / other private universities' average $3,300) · The only national university in the eastern part of Jeonnam province, with over 10,000 undergraduate students and 1,000 graduate students · Abundant Scholarships(70% of students are awarded) · Various supporting programs for International students · TOPIK examination center and GKS degree university(Undergraduate, Graduate)
Study in Korea Education fair with Local Governments 2023 (Study in Korea Education fair with Local Governments 2023)
Sunchon is the largest city in Jeonnam Province, called the Korea's Ecological capital and is known as a cultural city with a history and tradition of Korea. It is right next to Gwangyang Port, which is the logistics hub of Northeast Asia in the 21st century, and Yeosu, which has a blue and crystal clear sea.
· Reasonable tuition fee(about $1,700 / other private universities' average $3,300) · The only national university in the eastern part of Jeonnam province, with over 10,000 undergraduate students and 1,000 graduate students · Abundant Scholarships(70% of students are awarded) · Various supporting programs for International students · TOPIK examination center and GKS degree university(Undergraduate, Graduate)
Study in Korea Education Fair Nepal 2023 (Study in Korea Education Fair Nepal 2023)
Sunchon is the largest city in Jeonnam Province, called the Korea's Ecological capital and is known as a cultural city with a history and tradition of Korea. It is right next to Gwangyang Port, which is the logistics hub of Northeast Asia in the 21st century, and Yeosu, which has a blue and crystal clear sea.
· Reasonable tuition fee(about $1,700 / other private universities' average $3,300) · The only national university in the eastern part of Jeonnam province, with over 10,000 undergraduate students and 1,000 graduate students · Abundant Scholarships(70% of students are awarded) · Various supporting programs for International students · TOPIK examination center and GKS degree university(Undergraduate, Graduate)
Study in Korea Education fair by theme(Korean Language Programs) 2023 (Study in Korea Education fair by theme(Korean Language Programs) 2023)
Sunchon is the largest city in Jeonnam Province, called the Korea's Ecological capital and is known as a cultural city with a history and tradition of Korea. It is right next to Gwangyang Port, which is the logistics hub of Northeast Asia in the 21st century, and Yeosu, which has a blue and crystal clear sea.
· Reasonable tuition fee(about $1,700 / other private universities' average $3,300) · The only national university in the eastern part of Jeonnam province, with over 10,000 undergraduate students and 1,000 graduate students · Abundant Scholarships(70% of students are awarded) · Various supporting programs for International students · TOPIK examination center and GKS degree university(Undergraduate, Graduate)
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gks scholarship
gks scholarship for arts
2025 undergraduate
korean scholarships applications
sogang university
latin america
2024-09-14 10:30:41 기준
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