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한국학중앙연구원 한국학대학원 The Graduate School of Korean Studies, The Academy of Korean Studies
인문 Humanities 인류학·민속학(인류학) Anthropology�Folklore (Anthropology) 2025년도 전기 특별전형 Admission for 2025 Spring Semester
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2025 Global Korea Scholarship for Undergraduate Degrees / 2025년 정부초청 외국인 학부 장학생 모집 요강
In 2025, Korean Government's Global Korea Scholarship program aims to invite international students who wish to purse undergraduate degrees in Korea. [Embassy Track] Korean government invites 87* international students. * - General: 71 scholars - Overseas Koreans: 7 scholars - IRTS: 9 scholars ※ IRTS: International Reconstruction Talent Scholarship (Ukrainian only) In accordance with the Korea-Ukraine MOU, the Ukrainian government will conduct the first round of selection for IRTS. [University Track] Korean government invites 280* international students. * - R-GKS: 80 scholars - Associate Degree: 100 scholars - UIC Program: 100 scholars ※ UIC: University Industry Cooperation [Embassy Track & University Track] Applicants must apply either to a Korean Embassy where they hold citizenship (embassy track) or directly to one of the designated universities (university track). Please contact the first round of selection organizations(embassy or university) to get detailed information regarding the application submission such as application deadline, required documents, interview and etc. Application submission deadline may differ by each embassy or university that conducts the first round of selection. Please refer to the attached file for the application guidelines and university information, and more. * The 2025 GKS-U FAQ will be added soon. Best regards, GKS center 안녕하십니까, 2025년 정부초청 외국인 학부 장학생 모집 요강 및 관련 자료들을 공지하오니, 지원에 참고해 주시기 바랍니다. 지원서 접수 마감기한, 추가 제출 서류, 면접 절차 등과 관련한 지원 관련 질문은 1차 심사를 담당하는 각 대사관 혹은 대학으로 문의해 주시기 바랍니다. 각 대사관 혹은 대학에 따라 지원 서류 구비 조건, 지원 접수 마감 시기 및 일정은 다를 수 있음을 유의해 주시기 바랍니다. 모집 요강, 지원 가능한 대학 및 학과 목록은 첨부된 파일을 참고해 주시기 바랍니다. * 2025 GKS-U FAQ는 곧 공지될 예정입니다. 감사합니다. 국제장학센터
K라이프 (2건)
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[해외 고등교육 동향] HEI NIIED 제30호(12월)
<원문 보기> (글로벌) Times Higher Education, 2024 세계 대학 랭킹 발표 / Times Higher Education, 2023.9.27. (글로벌) 2023년 EAIE 콘퍼런스, '국제화에 필요한 변화' 논의 / The PIE News, 2023.10.2. (유럽) 국제고등교육위원회, 영국 대학의 문화 다양성 감소 경고 / The PIE News, 2023.10.24. (유럽) 아일랜드, '품질 보증 강화'를 위한 새로운 국제 교육 마크 규정 발표 / The PIE News, 2023.11.1. (아시아·태평양) 일본 정부, 일본대학교의 해외 캠퍼스 설립 장려 / Times Higher Education, 2023. 9.5. (아시아·태평양) 인도출신 유학생, 2025년까지 70억불의 시장 도약에 따른 주요 유학국의 과제 / The PIE News, 2023.11.6. (중동·아프리카) 이집트, 유학생 유치 위한 교육관광프로그램(EGYAID) 신설 / University World News, 2023.9.4. (중동·아프리카) 북아프리카 지역, 프랑스어 사용 대학 협회(AUF)와 협력 강화 / University World News, 2023.10.24. (북아메리카) 美 국토안보부, 국제 졸업생을 위해 F-1 비자 H-1B 비자 전환에 유연성 제공 제안 / The PIE News, 2023.10.26. (북아메리카) 캐나다 연방 이민부, 국제 학생을 위한 프로그램 개선 방안 발표 / Government of Canada, 2023.10.27. (오피니언) 2024년을 맞이하며 기억할만한 5가지 국제 학생 연구 인사이트 / ICEF Monitor, 2023.9.13. (오피니언) 좋은 홈페이지 디자인으로 "숨은 지원자"를 등록으로 이끄는 방법 / ICEF Monitor, 2023.10.18.
K취업 (6건)
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(Spring Semester, 2025-1) Admission Guide for International Students (for Degree Programs)
유학박람회 (21건)
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STUDY IN KOREA Online Education Fair for English Track (STUDY IN KOREA Online Education Fair for English Track)
In April 1954, Inha University was founded according to a proposal made by then-President Syngman Rhee, under the goal to create an analogue of 'MIT (Massachusettes Institute of Technology) in the East' for improvements in the field of engineering in Korea. Inha University was recognized as the 'Top University' in 2006 by the Comprehensive Assessment of Universities, and is a widely recognized, prestigious university in Korea. Inha University was listed on the 'Top 10 Universities in Korea' for 6 years (2004~2009). In 2016, according to the rating of the newspaper "Chunggang Ilbo", he took the 10th place in the list of popular universities. The school has also firmly secured its status as a prestigious private university in Korea as it was ranked 68th in Asia by QS-Chosun College Evaluation. Through INHA Vision, the school has set a goal to place itself in the list of 'Top 100 Universities in the World' by 2025.
K스터디 (1550건)
한국학중앙연구원 한국학대학원 The Graduate School of Korean Studies, The Academy of Korean Studies
인문 Humanities 인류학·민속학(인류학) Anthropology�Folklore (Anthropology) 2025년도 전기 특별전형 Admission for 2025 Spring Semester
한국학중앙연구원 한국학대학원 The Graduate School of Korean Studies, The Academy of Korean Studies
인문 Humanities 인문정보학·인문지리학 (인문지리학) Cultural Informatics�Human Geography (Human Geography) 2025년도 전기 특별전형 Admission for 2025 Spring Semester
한국학중앙연구원 한국학대학원 The Graduate School of Korean Studies, The Academy of Korean Studies
인문 Humanities 인문정보학·인문지리학 (인문정보학) Cultural Informatics�Human Geography (Cultural Informatics) 2025년도 전기 특별전형 Admission for 2025 Spring Semester
한국학중앙연구원 한국학대학원 The Graduate School of Korean Studies, The Academy of Korean Studies
인문 Humanities 종교학 Religious Studies 2025년도 전기 특별전형 Admission for 2025 Spring Semester
한국학중앙연구원 한국학대학원 The Graduate School of Korean Studies, The Academy of Korean Studies
인문 Humanities 미술사학 Art History 2025년도 전기 특별전형 Admission for 2025 Spring Semester
한국학중앙연구원 한국학대학원 The Graduate School of Korean Studies, The Academy of Korean Studies
인문 Humanities 음악학 Musicology 2025년도 전기 특별전형 Admission for 2025 Spring Semester
한국학중앙연구원 한국학대학원 The Graduate School of Korean Studies, The Academy of Korean Studies
인문 Humanities 인류학·민속학(민속학) Anthropology�Folklore (Folklore) 2025년도 전기 특별전형 Admission for 2025 Spring Semester
한국학중앙연구원 한국학대학원 The Graduate School of Korean Studies, The Academy of Korean Studies
인문 Humanities 종교학 Religious Studies 2025년도 전기 특별전형 Admission for 2025 Spring Semester
한국학중앙연구원 한국학대학원 The Graduate School of Korean Studies, The Academy of Korean Studies
사회과학 Social Science 정치학 Political Science 2025년도 전기 특별전형 Admission for 2025 Spring Semester
한국학중앙연구원 한국학대학원 The Graduate School of Korean Studies, The Academy of Korean Studies
사회과학 Social Science 교육학 Education 2025년도 전기 특별전형 Admission for 2025 Spring Semester
장학금 (2건)
2025 Global Korea Scholarship for Undergraduate Degrees / 2025년 정부초청 외국인 학부 장학생 모집 요강
In 2025, Korean Government's Global Korea Scholarship program aims to invite international students who wish to purse undergraduate degrees in Korea. [Embassy Track] Korean government invites 87* international students. * - General: 71 scholars - Overseas Koreans: 7 scholars - IRTS: 9 scholars ※ IRTS: International Reconstruction Talent Scholarship (Ukrainian only) In accordance with the Korea-Ukraine MOU, the Ukrainian government will conduct the first round of selection for IRTS. [University Track] Korean government invites 280* international students. * - R-GKS: 80 scholars - Associate Degree: 100 scholars - UIC Program: 100 scholars ※ UIC: University Industry Cooperation [Embassy Track & University Track] Applicants must apply either to a Korean Embassy where they hold citizenship (embassy track) or directly to one of the designated universities (university track). Please contact the first round of selection organizations(embassy or university) to get detailed information regarding the application submission such as application deadline, required documents, interview and etc. Application submission deadline may differ by each embassy or university that conducts the first round of selection. Please refer to the attached file for the application guidelines and university information, and more. * The 2025 GKS-U FAQ will be added soon. Best regards, GKS center 안녕하십니까, 2025년 정부초청 외국인 학부 장학생 모집 요강 및 관련 자료들을 공지하오니, 지원에 참고해 주시기 바랍니다. 지원서 접수 마감기한, 추가 제출 서류, 면접 절차 등과 관련한 지원 관련 질문은 1차 심사를 담당하는 각 대사관 혹은 대학으로 문의해 주시기 바랍니다. 각 대사관 혹은 대학에 따라 지원 서류 구비 조건, 지원 접수 마감 시기 및 일정은 다를 수 있음을 유의해 주시기 바랍니다. 모집 요강, 지원 가능한 대학 및 학과 목록은 첨부된 파일을 참고해 주시기 바랍니다. * 2025 GKS-U FAQ는 곧 공지될 예정입니다. 감사합니다. 국제장학센터 20240910181612
2024 한일 공동 고등교육 유학생 교류사업 학부 1년 과정 장학생 선발 안내/2024 Korea-Japan Government Scholarship Program for 1 Year Undergraduate Program
국립국제교육원에서 2024년 한일 공동 고등교육 유학생 교류사업 학부 1년 과정 일본인 장학생을 모집하오니, 관심있는 분들의 많은 지원 바랍니다. □ 선발인원 : 25명 □ 장학기간 : 2024. 3. 1. ~ 2025. 2. 28. 장학생으로 선발되기 위해서는 먼저 각 수학대학이 주관하는 1차 심사에 합격하셔야 합니다. 수학대학에 따라 지원서류 구비조건, 지원접수 마감일 등의 일정은 다를 수 있기에, 수학대학별 선발 모집요강 확인 및 수학대학을 통한 세부 문의 후 지원하여 주시기 바랍니다. 모집요강, 지원가능한 대학 및 학과 목록, 지원가능한 대학 연락처 등은 첨부된 파일을 참고하여 주시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다. 국립국제교육원 국제장학센터 2024 Korea-Japan Government Scholarship is promoted by Korean and Japanese governments under the MOU. It aims to foster talented students who will lead future-oriented Korea-Japan relations and contribute to the improvement of friendship between two countries. At the undergraduate level, we aim to invite 25 Japanese students who wish to study "1 Year Undergraduate Program" as an exchange student in Korea from spring 2024. To be selected as a Korea-Japan Government scholarship recipient, an applicant must apply for the 1 Year Undergraduate course via the NIIED-designated Korean universities and are passed the 1st round of selection managed by the universities. Please check the "2024 Application Guideline for 1 Year Undergraduate Program", "the available universities and majors", "application forms" and other requirements in the attached files below. Application deadline is different by each university you apply for. So, we highly advise you to make sure to check the guideline for 2024 Korea-Japan Government scholarship application separately announced by the NIIED-designated Korean universities. Please contact the person in charge of each university for more details. Best, Global Korea Scholarship Center 20231013144649
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K라이프 (2건)
[해외 고등교육 동향] HEI NIIED 제30호(12월)
<원문 보기> (글로벌) Times Higher Education, 2024 세계 대학 랭킹 발표 / Times Higher Education, 2023.9.27. (글로벌) 2023년 EAIE 콘퍼런스, '국제화에 필요한 변화' 논의 / The PIE News, 2023.10.2. (유럽) 국제고등교육위원회, 영국 대학의 문화 다양성 감소 경고 / The PIE News, 2023.10.24. (유럽) 아일랜드, '품질 보증 강화'를 위한 새로운 국제 교육 마크 규정 발표 / The PIE News, 2023.11.1. (아시아·태평양) 일본 정부, 일본대학교의 해외 캠퍼스 설립 장려 / Times Higher Education, 2023. 9.5. (아시아·태평양) 인도출신 유학생, 2025년까지 70억불의 시장 도약에 따른 주요 유학국의 과제 / The PIE News, 2023.11.6. (중동·아프리카) 이집트, 유학생 유치 위한 교육관광프로그램(EGYAID) 신설 / University World News, 2023.9.4. (중동·아프리카) 북아프리카 지역, 프랑스어 사용 대학 협회(AUF)와 협력 강화 / University World News, 2023.10.24. (북아메리카) 美 국토안보부, 국제 졸업생을 위해 F-1 비자 H-1B 비자 전환에 유연성 제공 제안 / The PIE News, 2023.10.26. (북아메리카) 캐나다 연방 이민부, 국제 학생을 위한 프로그램 개선 방안 발표 / Government of Canada, 2023.10.27. (오피니언) 2024년을 맞이하며 기억할만한 5가지 국제 학생 연구 인사이트 / ICEF Monitor, 2023.9.13. (오피니언) 좋은 홈페이지 디자인으로 "숨은 지원자"를 등록으로 이끄는 방법 / ICEF Monitor, 2023.10.18. 20231128165154
[해외 고등교육 동향] HEI NIIED 제17호(9월)
[원문보기] <글로벌 컨퍼런스> UNESCO, 고등 교육의 권리에 대한 레포트 발표 / UNESCO, 2022.7.29. 제32회 EAIE 2022년 바르셀로나: Experience the Magic in Person / EAIE <유럽> 영국의 일부 대학교, 대학원생을 대상으로 다양한 학기 일정 제공 / Times Higher Education, 2022.8.8. Study in Wales, Hockey Wales와 파트너십 체결 / The PIE News, 2022.8.5. <아시아-태평양> 동남아시아 지역 고등교육 공동 공간 창출을 위한 2025 로드맵 공식 출범 / SHARE ASEAN-EU, 2022.7.27. 일본 유학협회(JAOS), 11월 12일을 공식 '유학의 날'로 지정 / The PIE News, 2022.8.15. <중동> 튀르키예 정부초청 장학생 프로그램, 역대 최다 신청 / The PIE News, 2022.7.15. <북미> 미국무부 'Education USA 포럼' 개최, "미국, 세계 으뜸 유학 국가 타이틀 유지" 위한 논의 펼쳐 / The PIE News, 2022.8.8. 미국공학교육협회(ASEE)와 아프리카 대학협회(AAU) 간 파트너십 체결 / The PIE News, 2022.7.22. <오피니언> 유학생 비자 발급에 기술 발전을 활용해야 / World University News, 2022.7.17. 20220829171138
K취업 (6건)
(Spring Semester, 2025-1) Admission Guide for International Students (for Degree Programs)
2025 Admission Points for 'International Students' at Seoul Institute of the Arts
☞ All of the admissions process is conducted online. ※ All majors EXCEPT Creative Writing, Dramatic Writing, Applied Music-Electronic Music / Sound Design / DJing(2nd round) ☞ Admission Guide(SeoulArts website) : https://bit.ly/4ccUG4r ☞ Apply now(Study in Korea website) : https://bit.ly/4dPtief 20240808162339
[Samsung C&T Engineering and Construction] Discover C&T Program
Samsung C&T 2024 Discover C&T Program Company: Samsung C&T Engineering and Construction Opportunity: 2024 Discover C&T Program Program dates: 2024 July 1 ~ 5 (one week during summer vacation) Location: Samsung C&T E&C headquarters in Gangdong-gu, Seoul Application period: Rolling applications until May 31 Program Activities: - Intro to SCT E&C and our main projects/business opportunities - Field trips to: - Various SCT work sites - Safety Academy - Samsung Human Resources Development Institute (삼성인력개발원) - Conversation Session with the Head of Global Operations - Everland Forest Camp (mindfulness, trekking) - DCT completion ceremony Eligibility: - Non-Korean students at Korean universities (graduated/ing between 2023 ~ Aug 2025) - Majors: Mechanical/Electrical/Civil Engineering, Architecture, STEM - GPA: 3.0 or above on average (on a 4.5 scale) - Those with Korean language ability How to Apply: - Download and complete the application form via https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3917270328/ - Note: Applications with personal CVs or resumes will not be accepted - Enquiries: ghr.cnt@samsung.com * Please title email enquiries as such: [Discover C&T Program Enquiry] We look forward to receiving your applications! 20240522084228
[VIRNECT] 외국인 유학생 채용 공고
[VIRNECT] 글로벌 사업지원 담당자 모집 (외국인 유학생 대상) 주요 업무 * 버넥트 솔루션과 관련 국문 자료를 이해하고, 현지 표현에 맞게 영문으로 번역 * 버넥트 영문 홈페이지(솔루션 UI)를 리뷰하고, 현지 표현에 맞게 변경/개선 * 해외 영업 지원 * 고객 인바운드 이메일과 전화 응대 자격 요건 * 영어 Native + 한국어 소통 및 한글 문서 독해가 가능하신 분 * 대학교 졸업 또는 한국 교환 학생(3~4학년 재학생) * 한국에서 최소 1년 이상 거주하신 분 * 풀타임(주40시간)으로 6개월 이상 근무 가능하신 분 우대 사항 * 마케팅/영업 경험을 보유하신 분 * IT SW솔루션에 대한 높은 관심 및 이해를 보유하신 분 * 취업 비자를 보유하신 분 * MS 오피스 작성 능력이 우수하신 분 근무장소 * 서울시 용산구 (버넥트 본사) 지원방법 * 이메일 또는 링크드인 지원 (자유양식의 입사지원서 첨부) - 이메일 지원: recruit@virnect.com - 링크드인 지원: 링크드인 채용 공고 페이지 ( https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/2772549391/?refId=KKi5FUm%2BmOduJ4Dx5qdGxA%3D%3D&trackingId=Yjw4S3C2kkgvNx3mwgsAUg%3D%3D ) 담당자 * 인사팀 장대웅 매니저 (dwjang@virnect.com, 070-7733-2025) 기타(회사 정보) * 버넥트 회사소개 : https://www.notion.so/virnect/2e961c5c0d87441da5334c15983e9c55 * 버넥트 인재모집 페이지 : https://www.notion.so/virnect/VIRNECT-70deb7e4870c45b29bb3fccf9103af57 장 대 웅 경영지원 ㅣ HR ㅣ Manager 서울특별시 용산구 한강대로 7길 10-15 버넥트 익스피리언스센터 (우: 04379) T 070 7733 2025 F 02 792 2025 M 010 6399 3400 E dwjang@virnect.com 20211028162400
한국어-중국어 번역 채용공고(사람인HR)
회사정보/Company Information 사람인HR (https://www.saraminhr.co.kr/) 직무명/Job Title 심리검사 및 기업 상세 페이지 번역 계약형태/Job Type 계약직(6개월) 근무형태/Job Status 주 20시간/평일 하루 4시간 오피스 근무(협의에 따라 일정 조정 가능) 급여/Pay 회사 내규에 따름 분야/Categories 번역 근무지/Locations 08378, 서울특별시 구로구 디지털로34길 43, 201호(구로동) 주요업무/Job Description 심리검사 문항 및 검사 결과 콘텐츠 한중(간체, 번체) 번역 기업 서비스 화면 및 응시화면 내 메뉴/안내 문구 등 중국어 번역 자격 요건/Job Requirement 한국어 유창한 중국인 유학생 주 20시간 이상 근무 가능한 비자를 소유한 분 (비자타입과 한국에 체류 가능한 기간을 기입해주시기 바랍니다.) 간체와 번체에 모두 능통한 분 한국어로 능숙하게 읽고 커뮤니케이션 할 수 있는 분 원작자의 의도를 중요하게 생각하며 피드백을 성실하게 반영하는 분 우대사항 심리학을 전공한 분 중어중문학을 전공한 분 영어를 원어민 수준으로 할 수 있는 분 전형절차/Guidelines for Applicnats 서류전형 - 인성검사 - 면접 - 최종합격 마감일/Closing Date 21.10.07 서류/Required Document 이력서, 자기소개서 지원방법/Apply Type 이메일 지원(lab_p@saramin.co.kr) 김한올 연구원 HR연구소 HR분석팀 M 010-9780-7529 E hanolkim@saramin.co.kr T 02-2025-4628 F 02-6937-0039 (주)사람인에이치알 서울특별시 구로구 디지털로 34길 43 코오롱 싸이언스밸리 1차 202호 (08378) 20210929080819
[채용마감]한국어-베트남어 번역 채용공고(사람인HR)
회사정보/Company Information 사람인HR (https://www.saraminhr.co.kr/) 직무명/Job Title 심리검사 및 기업 상세 페이지 번역 계약형태/Job Type 계약직(6개월) 근무형태/Job Status 주 20시간/평일 하루 4시간 오피스 근무(협의에 따라 일정 조정 가능) 급여/Pay 회사 내규에 따름 분야/Categories 번역 근무지/Locations 08378, 서울특별시 구로구 디지털로34길 43, 201호(구로동) 주요업무/Job Description 심리검사 문항 및 검사 결과 콘텐츠 한국어->베트남어 번역 기업 서비스 화면 및 응시화면 내 메뉴/안내 문구 등 베트남어 번역 자격 요건/Job Requirement 한국어 유창한 베트남 유학생 주 20시간 이상 근무 가능한 비자를 소유한 분 (비자타입과 한국에 체류 가능한 기간을 기입해주시기 바랍니다.) 한국어로 능숙하게 읽고 커뮤니케이션 할 수 있는 분 원작자의 의도를 중요하게 생각하며 피드백을 성실하게 반영하는 분 우대사항 심리학을 전공한 분 영어를 원어민 수준으로 할 수 있는 분 전형절차/Guidelines for Applicnats 서류전형 - 인성검사 - 면접 - 최종합격 마감일/Closing Date 21.10.07 서류/Required Document 이력서, 자기소개서 지원방법/Apply Type 이메일 지원(lab_p@saramin.co.kr) 관련 문의 김한올 연구원 HR연구소 HR분석팀 M 010-9780-7529 E hanolkim@saramin.co.kr T 02-2025-4628 F 02-6937-0039 (주)사람인에이치알 서울특별시 구로구 디지털로 34길 43 코오롱 싸이언스밸리 1차 202호 (08378) 20210927102522
유학박람회 (21건)
STUDY IN KOREA Online Education Fair for English Track (STUDY IN KOREA Online Education Fair for English Track)
In April 1954, Inha University was founded according to a proposal made by then-President Syngman Rhee, under the goal to create an analogue of 'MIT (Massachusettes Institute of Technology) in the East' for improvements in the field of engineering in Korea. Inha University was recognized as the 'Top University' in 2006 by the Comprehensive Assessment of Universities, and is a widely recognized, prestigious university in Korea. Inha University was listed on the 'Top 10 Universities in Korea' for 6 years (2004~2009). In 2016, according to the rating of the newspaper "Chunggang Ilbo", he took the 10th place in the list of popular universities. The school has also firmly secured its status as a prestigious private university in Korea as it was ranked 68th in Asia by QS-Chosun College Evaluation. Through INHA Vision, the school has set a goal to place itself in the list of 'Top 100 Universities in the World' by 2025.
Study in Korea Education fair with Local Governments (Study in Korea Education fair with Local Governments)
In April 1954, Inha University was founded according to a proposal made by then-President Syngman Rhee, under the goal to create an analogue of 'MIT (Massachusettes Institute of Technology) in the East' for improvements in the field of engineering in Korea. Inha University was recognized as the 'Top University' in 2006 by the Comprehensive Assessment of Universities, and is a widely recognized, prestigious university in Korea. Inha University was listed on the 'Top 10 Universities in Korea' for 6 years (2004~2009). In 2016, according to the rating of the newspaper "Chunggang Ilbo", he took the 10th place in the list of popular universities. The school has also firmly secured its status as a prestigious private university in Korea as it was ranked 68th in Asia by QS-Chosun College Evaluation. Through INHA Vision, the school has set a goal to place itself in the list of 'Top 100 Universities in the World' by 2025.
STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Sri Lanka (STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in Sri Lanka)
In April 1954, Inha University was founded according to a proposal made by then-President Syngman Rhee, under the goal to create an analogue of 'MIT (Massachusettes Institute of Technology) in the East' for improvements in the field of engineering in Korea. Inha University was recognized as the 'Top University' in 2006 by the Comprehensive Assessment of Universities, and is a widely recognized, prestigious university in Korea. Inha University was listed on the 'Top 10 Universities in Korea' for 6 years (2004~2009). In 2016, according to the rating of the newspaper "Chunggang Ilbo", he took the 10th place in the list of popular universities. The school has also firmly secured its status as a prestigious private university in Korea as it was ranked 68th in Asia by QS-Chosun College Evaluation. Through INHA Vision, the school has set a goal to place itself in the list of 'Top 100 Universities in the World' by 2025.
STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in India (STUDY IN KOREA Education Fair in India)
In April 1954, Inha University was founded according to a proposal made by then-President Syngman Rhee, under the goal to create an analogue of 'MIT (Massachusettes Institute of Technology) in the East' for improvements in the field of engineering in Korea. Inha University was recognized as the 'Top University' in 2006 by the Comprehensive Assessment of Universities, and is a widely recognized, prestigious university in Korea. Inha University was listed on the 'Top 10 Universities in Korea' for 6 years (2004~2009). In 2016, according to the rating of the newspaper "Chunggang Ilbo", he took the 10th place in the list of popular universities. The school has also firmly secured its status as a prestigious private university in Korea as it was ranked 68th in Asia by QS-Chosun College Evaluation. Through INHA Vision, the school has set a goal to place itself in the list of 'Top 100 Universities in the World' by 2025.
Study in Korea Education Fair Uzbekistan 2023 (Study in Korea Education Fair Uzbekistan 2023)
In April 1954, Inha University was founded according to a proposal made by then-President Syngman Rhee, under the goal to create an analogue of 'MIT (Massachusettes Institute of Technology) in the East' for improvements in the field of engineering in Korea. Inha University was recognized as the 'Top University' in 2006 by the Comprehensive Assessment of Universities, and is a widely recognized, prestigious university in Korea. Inha University was listed on the 'Top 10 Universities in Korea' for 6 years (2004~2009). In 2016, according to the rating of the newspaper "Chunggang Ilbo", he took the 10th place in the list of popular universities. The school has also firmly secured its status as a prestigious private university in Korea as it was ranked 68th in Asia by QS-Chosun College Evaluation. Through INHA Vision, the school has set a goal to place itself in the list of 'Top 100 Universities in the World' by 2025.
Study in Korea Education Fair Mongolia 2023 (Study in Korea Education Fair Mongolia 2023)
In April 1954, Inha University was founded according to a proposal made by then-President Syngman Rhee, under the goal to create an analogue of 'MIT (Massachusettes Institute of Technology) in the East' for improvements in the field of engineering in Korea. Inha University was recognized as the 'Top University' in 2006 by the Comprehensive Assessment of Universities, and is a widely recognized, prestigious university in Korea. Inha University was listed on the 'Top 10 Universities in Korea' for 6 years (2004~2009). In 2016, according to the rating of the newspaper "Chunggang Ilbo", he took the 10th place in the list of popular universities. The school has also firmly secured its status as a prestigious private university in Korea as it was ranked 68th in Asia by QS-Chosun College Evaluation. Through INHA Vision, the school has set a goal to place itself in the list of 'Top 100 Universities in the World' by 2025.
Study in Korea Education Fair Japan 2023 (Study in Korea Education Fair Japan 2023)
In April 1954, Inha University was founded according to a proposal made by then-President Syngman Rhee, under the goal to create an analogue of 'MIT (Massachusettes Institute of Technology) in the East' for improvements in the field of engineering in Korea. Inha University was recognized as the 'Top University' in 2006 by the Comprehensive Assessment of Universities, and is a widely recognized, prestigious university in Korea. Inha University was listed on the 'Top 10 Universities in Korea' for 6 years (2004~2009). In 2016, according to the rating of the newspaper "Chunggang Ilbo", he took the 10th place in the list of popular universities. The school has also firmly secured its status as a prestigious private university in Korea as it was ranked 68th in Asia by QS-Chosun College Evaluation. Through INHA Vision, the school has set a goal to place itself in the list of 'Top 100 Universities in the World' by 2025.
Study in Korea Education Fair Malaysia 2023 (Study in Korea Education Fair Malaysia 2023)
In April 1954, Inha University was founded according to a proposal made by then-President Syngman Rhee, under the goal to create an analogue of 'MIT (Massachusettes Institute of Technology) in the East' for improvements in the field of engineering in Korea. Inha University was recognized as the 'Top University' in 2006 by the Comprehensive Assessment of Universities, and is a widely recognized, prestigious university in Korea. Inha University was listed on the 'Top 10 Universities in Korea' for 6 years (2004~2009). In 2016, according to the rating of the newspaper "Chunggang Ilbo", he took the 10th place in the list of popular universities. The school has also firmly secured its status as a prestigious private university in Korea as it was ranked 68th in Asia by QS-Chosun College Evaluation. Through INHA Vision, the school has set a goal to place itself in the list of 'Top 100 Universities in the World' by 2025.
지자체와 함께하는 하반기 한국유학박람회 2022 (The Second half of 2022 Study in Korea Education fair with Local Governments)
In April 1954, Inha University was founded according to a proposal made by then-President Syngman Rhee, under the goal to create an analogue of 'MIT (Massachusettes Institute of Technology) in the East' for improvements in the field of engineering in Korea. Inha University was recognized as the 'Top University' in 2006 by the Comprehensive Assessment of Universities, and is a widely recognized, prestigious university in Korea. Inha University was listed on the 'Top 10 Universities in Korea' for 6 years (2004~2009). In 2016, according to the rating of the newspaper "Chunggang Ilbo", he took the 10th place in the list of popular universities. The school has also firmly secured its status as a prestigious private university in Korea as it was ranked 68th in Asia by QS-Chosun College Evaluation. Through INHA Vision, the school has set a goal to place itself in the list of 'Top 100 Universities in the World' by 2025.
2022 신남방 한국유학박람회(싱가포르,말레이시아,동티모르) (Study in Korea Education fair, New Southern countries 2022(Malaysia, Singapore, East Timor))
In April 1954, Inha University was founded according to a proposal made by then-President Syngman Rhee, under the goal to create an analogue of 'MIT (Massachusettes Institute of Technology) in the East' for improvements in the field of engineering in Korea. Inha University was recognized as the 'Top University' in 2006 by the Comprehensive Assessment of Universities, and is a widely recognized, prestigious university in Korea. Inha University was listed on the 'Top 10 Universities in Korea' for 6 years (2004~2009). In 2016, according to the rating of the newspaper "Chunggang Ilbo", he took the 10th place in the list of popular universities. The school has also firmly secured its status as a prestigious private university in Korea as it was ranked 68th in Asia by QS-Chosun College Evaluation. Through INHA Vision, the school has set a goal to place itself in the list of 'Top 100 Universities in the World' by 2025.
콘텐츠 (0건)
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